

作者: 什锦饭 | 来源:发表于2017-09-12 17:32 被阅读10次

    1. Up to 85 per cent of seeds created by interbreeding are aberrant, meaning that they will not result in a solution to the food crisis.


    2. The comprehensive model of health is claimed to be the world's most advanced health model available, allowing doctors to categorize older adults in a better way, thereby decreasing the risk of death and increasing well-being by up to 20%.


    3. The CT scan is conducted on a single tissue, which is biopsied on day two of the surgery, and takes around 12 hours.


    4. All new-born babies are screened to determine whether or not there are any hearing defect which would inhibit a successful development, or result in other developmental disorders.


    5. While the typical medical model is more than suitable for a lot of senior citizens, there are a range of benefits to using the comprehensive model as a preferred or additional means.


    6. The key benefit is that the general health of older adults is accurately assessed prior to the surgery, which can mean less stress for those involved, and the process can be completed within a week so that their blood does not need to be sampled while results are pending.


    7. The quarantine cycle can continue uninterrupted while the viruses are being tested, largely due to the short turn around time for results, meaning that quarantine service will have more virus samples available for testing in what is a process that is expensive and often unsuccessful.


    8. The time has come for South Africa to seek a seat on the UN Security Council.

    是时候让南非竞选联合国安全理事会(UN Security Council)的席位了。

    9. Donald Trump's inaugural candidacy reflects his commitment to the aims and purposes of populism and to the ongoing promotion and protection of vested interests.

    唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)的首次参选,反映了他信奉民族主义的宗旨和目的,并且致力于持续提升和保护既得利益集团。

    10. Al Gore was a founding member of the Climate Change Council and has been an advocate ever since for the purposes and principles of the Copenhagen Protocol which supports control over the climate change.

    艾尔.格尔(Al Gore)是气候变化委员会的创始成员,并且,自那时起他一直倡导支持人类对气候变化进行控制的《哥本哈根议定书》(Copenhagen Protocol)的目标和宗旨。



