What happened to Johnny Depp?

What happened to Johnny Depp?

作者: 上善若水85 | 来源:发表于2015-01-27 09:00 被阅读46次



For all his devoted fans, Depp had never been a true A-lister commanding tens of millions per picture . But that all changed in 2003 when he signed onto his first big blockbuster. The movie was “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,” and Depp played Captain Jack Sparrow. He justified taking the part in various ways, — it was a movie his kids could see, it was a challenge to inject so much weirdness into a lightweight role. The movie was a huge hit with moviegoers and also, surprisingly, the Academy. The role got him his first Oscar nomination.


Suddenly, the actor who was once too cool for mainstream had become a Hollywood commodity, who gamely starred in three “Pirates” sequels. But he continued to track down quality work and even landed two more Oscar nominations for playing more strange men.


Then Depp has entered a new stage. Now every role is Sparrow-level over-the-top, fancy facades with little below the surface.


Is Depp’s mere presence in a movie enough to secure big box office returns? The answer certainly seems to be no. “Alice” did well, as kid’s movies do, and so has the “Pirates” franchise. The second installment made $423 million stateside, while the fourth did $241 million worth of sales. But all the other recent movies fizzled.


Depp was at his best when he was doing the more understated work. Sure, Edward Scissorhands looked flamboyant, he was playing a strange character. There’s none of that in what Depp does now, which is chew the scenery.


This was his downfall: Hollywood deemed him a moneymaker, and he responded by becoming an ever more manic version of the role. Problem is, Depp was never really a moneymaker, and he still isn’t. Once upon a time, he might have been able to fall back on his punk-rock cred and his actorly integrity. He could have turned his back on it all, with his arm around his latest girlfriend.


It’s not Paradis anymore, by the way. They split in 2012 after 14 years together. Now he doesn’t even have a girlfriend. He has a fiancee, the blonde actress Amber Heard, who is 28.



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