It has been some time since I try to bring FreeRTOS + Stop mode on STM32L072 board. It's good to have the powerful os API and low current consumption at the same time. But ST seems not providing a complete and ready solution in CubeMX. So it do take me several days to peek through the code , fortunately with google articles, finally got a solution.
CubeMX code generation
The default low power mode is Sleep Mode. We will customize CubeMX settings.
"Pinout & Configuration"
RCC - Enable HSE & LSE
SYS - Enable Debug Serial Wire
- TimeBase source [ TIM2 ]
LPTIM1 - Mode [counts internal clock events]
- Enable NVIC
RTC - Activate Clock Source
Middleware - FreeRTOS enable
"Clock Configuration"
Codes to add
__weak void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime ){
Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.2 reference source code
Here we will use LPTIM as tick timer clock source during STOP mode , as TIM2 will stop functioning then.
Test Environment
VCC : 3 V
Without low power mode
current consumption = 8.3 mA
With low power sleep mode
current consumption =