English-Mini Habits(晨读)

English-Mini Habits(晨读)

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2020-01-24 09:50 被阅读0次


本书阅读建议:1 懒人法:听书,每天听2分钟,or 2 传统法:读书,每天2页,or 3 强化法:先依照2读书,再依照1听书

Day 1

1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.   --Lao Tzu 背诵

2 文中的斜体字 需要重读

3 In fact, intention without action harms self-confidence. 尾韵,光说不做

4 version 发音 /ˈvɜː.ʃən/ /ˈvɜː.ʒən/皆可以

5 We've all been there. 

Been there, done that. 去过那里,做过那个。感同身受。安慰人或泼冷水用

 I've been in your shoes. 你经历的,我也经历过。shoes 表示情况,境遇

6 endorse 背书

7 no matter搭配 how/ what/ where 

8 form a habit养成习惯

develop a habit 有些语境中表示染上毒瘾 develop a drug habit

9 You are now mini habits approved.  批准,认证 approved

You are now morning reading approved. 有资格做晨读,过关了

10 abysmal: very bad

Eric: 刚读到abysmal的例句,想表示「惨不忍睹」「一败涂地」时都可用得到。当我们想吐槽时就可以用它,比如一个人趣味十分低级:His taste is abysmal. 一个菜难吃:The food is abysmal.,参加同学会后吐槽The reunion was an abysmal failure.

11 I feel like I have better odds winning in Vegas than in life. 成功的几率太低了 tiny, slim

12  stick 坚持下去, 流传下去

13 on the spot 就地正法

I fired him on the spot. 我当场就把他炒鱿鱼了

14 I laughed off the idea. 一笑而过

15 change my life for good   永远 for good=forever

16 My shoulders popped/ cracked. 肩膀劈啪作响

WD-40 润滑剂

17 double(up) as  sth 同时做两件事, 一物两用,兼职

18 a couple of ideas 连读 

19 leverage 杠杆

leverage small steps into habits

20 always-attainable targets, unstoppable, unstartable 

Your English learning will go from unstartable to unstoppable. 

21 bonus reps

Eric: bonus rep出现的语境是:First, there's a great chance that you'll do “bonus reps” after you meet your small requirement. 这里是说你完成了你自己定的小目标,然后你就更有可能多做一点事情。「多做一点事情」就是bonus,即「额外的行动」。rep指的是repetition,在健身房里,我们常说的一组的「组」是set,一组多少个的「个」是rep(即repetition),比如三组,每组12个,英文就是3 sets of 12 reps。因此bonus reps根据上下文就是「额外的俯卧撑次数」。

22 作业

impact 名词和动词的重音位置不同


Day 2

1 be shy of: less than 

三缺一 one shy of four to set up a majong game 

2 behemoth 巨大的,大公司,巨著(tome)

3 链接阅读 Atomic Habits, Thinking Fast and Slow, The Willpower Instinct

4 give up与quit的差别

放弃健康卡quit, 放弃健身的追求 give up 

5 Knowing this information simplifies and clarifies our goal. 尾韵,目标更清楚简洁

6 It failed me for ten years.  某物辜负了某人fail, 令人失望

Mini habits system won't fail you here. 

7 Anyone who tells you differently is repeting what they've heard. 

Anyone who tells you differently is wrong. 谁说的跟我不一样,那他就是错的

8 window 时间,抽空 a window of opportunity, slot,

I got a window. 我有些空

9 One day didn't make or break the process.  断一天不影响 make or break 带来成败

Their likes and dislikes make or break products. 他们的喜欢不喜欢决定了产品的成败

10 take the liberty of doing sth 自作主张

Pupils enjoy considerable degree of latitude...

11 lodge 记住   stick 

12 handsomely 巨大地, 可观地 princely

13 basal ganglia 基底核,prefrontal cordex 前额叶皮质 

14 get one's way 得逞

15 until told otherwise=until it is told not to do it 告诉他不要这样做

Day 3

1 作业的口语复述与输出

2 motivation 一时爽,欲望 (desire) vs willpower 一直爽

3 dopamin 多巴胺(带来pleasure,想象,不是happiness幸福)

4 unleash fury on sth 吐槽(释放愤怒)

5 either or 认知谬论 either or fallacy 

6 take a hard look at 认真地想一想,长点心,再好好看看

7 The answer is maddening sometimes. 让人抓狂,又爱又恨

abysmal: very bad

8 conjure up =take out 拿出来

9 end up doing sth

He ended up in prison. 

Eric ended up a billionaire.  

10 at the end of the day, as a result

11 reliable,solid  You're solid. 你很靠谱

Your content is solid. 干货满满

不靠谱 unreliable, volatile

12 short-term boosts 打鸡血

motivational videos 励志视频

self pep-talks 给自己鼓劲

13 on demand 需要

14 Look no furthur than your own experiences to verify this. 心里还没点儿数吗

15  推荐阅读 On Reading Well

16 masquerade about town as 瞎得瑟,招摇过市,不靠谱

17 cave in =give in 屈服

18 作业 

There are five main双元音 causes of willpower depletion: effort, perceived difficulty, negative affect, subjective fatigue, and blood glucose levels. If we can successfully overcome these five hurdles, we should find success. 




Day 4

1 推荐loopman 复读机应用

2 练习语音的最佳方法:26个英文字母和1到10的数字

3 语音是习惯,一点点矫正

4 方法的践行,先用了再说

5 by design 方式=intentionally

by choice   I'm single by choice. 我就愿意单着

6 scale 范围,动词意为“攀登”

7 goodness 善意 

goody    It's a goody. 这是个好东西

science-y 科学家范的


8 comfort zone: feel safe and in control

9 worse-case scenario 最糟的境遇

10 chances are 很有可能

Chances are that you miss out on morning reading. 

Day 5

1. "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warrriors go to war first and then seek to win. "---Sun Tzu, The Art of War

孙子兵法  是故胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜

2 out there 有时候是废话,翻译的时候不必译出

There are so many wonderful people out there. 

3 of 弱读的时候,f读浊音

get your foot in the door 先做点什么

4 Mini habits are low willpower trojan horses .... 障眼法, 明修栈道暗度陈仓,醉翁之意不在酒

5 A and B are a winning team 男女搭配干活不累

6 live/ai/ update example 活生生的例子

7 predictable 可以预测的

8 self-efficacy 相信自己, 自我效能

9 人很作,很难缠 high maintenance

10 不是讲鸡汤,而是讲道理 I'm not being motivational, I'm being logical.

11 连读练习 If it is OK

12 double as 有其他作用, 兼职 do sth on the side, side hustle, moonlight, take a second job, part-time job

Mini habits double as training for believing in yourself.

13 throw a question 问问题

throw racial slurs at sb 搞种族歧视

latch 飞机桌板上的小开关

14 until told otherwise

15 fall short 没有做到,没有实现

You are bound to fall short. 你一定做不到,你会打脸

I set up too many goals. I ended up falling short.

16 I blow my targets out of the water. 完爆了我的目标, 大巫见小巫

kick sth out of the park 棒棒的 You just kicked it out of the park.

17 pushover 推倒,靠不住的unreliable

Happiness decreases your ability to perform concrete goals. 预支完成目标的喜悦感不可取

18 mindfulness 有意识

Being mindful有目的的生活 is the difference between living purposefully and going through the motions. 糊弄了事,混日子

19 halfway done 完成一半了

Day 6 

1 knock it out of the park= do a good job : An activity, task, or something that is done exceptionally well. 

blow sth out of the water:  To thoroughly impress, overwhelm, or excite one.

blow my targets out of the water

2 nullify 使……白干了/无效

3 antidote 解药,解毒剂

the squeaky wheel gets the grease

5 glotal stop 喉塞音

6 put in =invest in 投资,投入


talk sb into doing/sth  劝某人做某事 persuade, convince

talk sb out of sth  

7 sweet spot =desirable , optimal 很好,很棒

8 worst case scenario 最糟糕的情况

9 I think to myself 我心想

10 stand-up comedy, talk show 作为语言素材,可以让你的语言更有趣

11 rule of thumb 根据经验总结的,以我的经验来看

12 have sth in your arsenal for ..... 军火库里多了一招,锦囊

13 scale up 扩大范围

staff up     Are you staffing? 你们招人吗? -We are staffing up.

14 ease yourself into sth 慢慢来,给自己一个缓冲

15 drill 钻

16 推荐阅读《高效能人士的七个习惯》

17 Don't get bullied into a lifestyle that doesn't suit you. 

18 That said= That being said 尽管如此,话说回来 despite what has just been said: 

19 Stay foolish, stay hungry.  

be strategically foolish

Day 7

1 发音:during, schedule, tenure, value, build

2 推荐阅读 The Power of Habit (读前两章即可,cue场景--routine--reward), 《奇特的一生》

3 downside, dark side缺点, bright side 优点 

4 Success begets success. 联想:龙生龙,凤生凤 

Success ignites passion and action

5 I speak this as its guinea pig. 小白鼠

6 in a row 连续地

7 crush 干掉, 完爆 blow sth out of the water 

8 steal wins at the buzzer 最后一刻钟, 在最后一秒钟制胜

9 willpower-guzzling 特别消耗意志力

gas gazzler 耗油的车

an energy hog 耗费能量

10 the caveat 要注意的是, 警告

11 recap 名词重音在前,动词重音在cap前面

12 ETC   Electronic toll collection 电子收费

etc.  et cetera

13 an encompassing part of your life 

14 recurring  反复出现

15 crowd out 劣币驱逐良币

16 no-brainer=so easy

It's a no-brainer. 

17 umbrella, 雨伞,都在某个架构之下

These three companies are under one umbrella.

under the same umbrella 属于同一类 

You got one more word in your spoken English arsenal. 形象 

The pen has always been the first weapon in his armoury

Day 8

1 发音 walk/wɔːk/ 没有l音, build/bild/

2 形容词+名词,发音的时候一般重要在名词

3 the other way too= vice versa 反之亦然

the other way around 换个方向

4 life hacks 生活小妙招

5 have...under one's belt: safely or satisfactorily achieved, experienced, or acquired

6 blow... away: infml to surprise or please someone very much

7 budget XX           a smart budget move 省钱妙法

8 beef sth up: make sth stronger or more important

celebrate your beefed up word count

9 sculpted/ chiseled abs 结实的腹肌

10 feel like a drag 累赘

You're such a drag. 你真够烦的

11 Moderation is the key here. 主要是适度的问题

12 prank gone wrong 尕的恶作剧

13 call in back-up 找备胎

14 Warren Buffett 重音在前 

buffet 自助餐 重音在后

15 amplifier 扩音器

16 weekly planner 周记本

17 重要的不是知识,而是调取

Day 9

1 每个意群中一般是最后一个实意词的音最重,The weather is good

2 英文发音中字正腔圆的情况一般是生气,或者威胁他人的时候

3 粗线条处理语段的朗读:分意群、聚焦、定调

4 细节:注意语音的轻重,连读,重音的位置 (如anticipation)

5 Think big, start small, learn fast.

6 burpee 波比运动

7 phrasal words: 重音在最后的词上Try to keep up.

8 has to do with sb 有关系

It has nothing to do with me. 跟我无关

9 He thinks he is better than he really is.  心里没数

He knows what he is talking about. 他很懂行 

10  treadmill 跑步机

11 tall order: a request that is difficult to fulfill 大难题 

Your majesty, that's a tall order. I cannot pull it off. 皇上,臣妾做不到啊。

12 achievable, unstartable, unstoppable

I am pretty much likeable. 我很讨人喜欢

perform achievable tasks

13 灵活用法: Google-Image search me, get "Me Too-ed"by sb

用google image搜我的名字 我不想成为Me Too的受害者

14 anti-motivational 反对

I'm anti-traditional pronunciation teaching.  反对这种发音教学法

I'm anti-mini habits. 

You can mini habits your way into success. 动词化

15 overachieve 

knock yourself out 随便

hold sb back 拖后腿=drag 

16 touch on /upon 讲到,提到

work yourself into the ground 拼命干活= work your butt/ass/ tail off 

17 expect 

What to expect when you're expecting. 

She's expecting. 她怀孕了

18 Period. 句号,不用争辩,放狠话。

例如:Eric is the best English teacher ever. Period. 

19 all caps(capitals) 全大写

You're wonderful. Capital w.

You're excellent. Capital e. 

You're so good. Capital g. 

20 shoot for= aim for

shoot for your mini goal

What are you shooting for? 你的目标是什么?

I'm shooting for ....我的目标是

shoot for the stars 目标太高: to set one's goals or ambitions very high; to try to attain or achieve something particularly difficult.

21 jump the gun 抢跑

22 juggle 身兼数职

You know I'm not just an employee, I'm a juggler.

23 normalisation 常态

24 catch fire If something such as an event or performance catches fire, it becomes exciting, entertaining, and enjoyable.

Day 10

1 progress 英音 /ˈprəʊ.ɡres/

2 学习心态:守破离

3 Expect little and you'll have the hunger to do more. 从小事做起

4 Be happy, but never satisfied. 要幸福快乐,却不满足于此   ——Bruce Lee

5 deplayed reward(做大事) 延迟满足感,immediate reward(带来small progress)

6 You have to let action precede motivation. 先行动起来

Intention without action harms self-confidence. 

7 other than 除了……以外

I don't know any French people other than you. 

8 stay level-headed 镇定冷静

 Slow and steady wins the race. 慢而稳,赛必胜

9 predictable 

She is unpredictable. 反复无常= volatile 

10 Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way.  --Atomic Habits 

standardise before you optimise 先标准化然后再优化,先会走再会跑

11 give sb the go-ahead 得到许可做某事

I got a go-ahead. 

12 When I was a month into the university/ into my mini habits 开始做某事多久后

13 freedom, liberty 近义词

14 I wish you very small successes, over and over and over again. 

15 Mini habits is more than just a system to teach you how to develop healthy new habits--it's a guide for self-control. 

16 Atomic Habits: 首先不要设定目标outcomes,我是谁identity 出发,改变自己的认知

习惯的downside是失去对细节的敏感度, 警惕习惯给我们带来的惰性

Habit + Deliberate practice= Mastery 

The devil is in the details.

Eric推荐阅读:1 Atomic Habits, 2  Thinking Fast and Slow,  3 The Willpower Instinct, 4 On Reading Well, 5 The 7 HABITS of Highly Effective People《高效能人士的七个习惯》, 6 The Power of Habit (读前两章即可),7 《奇特的一生》(格拉宁), 8 Happier , Tal Ben-Shahar



      本文标题:English-Mini Habits(晨读)
