尽管已经过去多年,但记忆如新,深入骨髓,从回忆里浮出来后,女子把一枚戒指放在凸出的岩石上,看了看依旧雄伟的山峰,然后头也不回的转身离去,嘴里哼着古老的歌谣:Here we stand, open arms,This is home where we are,Ever strong in the world that we made,I still hear you in the breeze,See your shadows in the trees,Holding on, memories never change,Summer in the hills,Those hazy days I do remember,We were running still,Had the whole world at our feet,Watching seasons change,Our roads were lined with adventure,Mountains in the way,Couldn't keep us from the sea,Here we stand open arms,This is home where we are,Ever strong in the world that we made,I still hear you in the breeze,See your shadows in the trees,Holding on, memories never change。她踩过破碎的盾牌,无名的头骨,干涸的血迹,踏进水洼,走向未知,从此坚定的漂泊了许多年。