该研究发表在国际著名医学期刊JAMA Internal Medicine上。
Sleeping With the Lights on Tied to Weight Gain
The New York Times
Women who slept with the lights or TV on had a higher risk for obesity.
Sleeping with the lights on may increase the risk for obesity.
Researchers prospectively followed 43,722 generally healthy women, average age 55, for an average of six years.
prospective 形容词, 1)表示“有望的;可能的;预期的;潜在的”,英文解释为“expected to do sth or to become sth”,近义词:potential;如:a prospective buyer 可能的买主/潜在的买主,a prospective employee 可能成为雇员的人,a prospective candidate 可能成功的候选人;
2)还可以解释为“即将发生的;行将来临的;很可能发生的”,英文解释:“expected to happen soon”,近义词:forthcoming。
前瞻性的研究(prospective study)是以现在为起点追踪到将来的研究方法,可弥补回顾性研究的缺陷。
prospectively,副词,英文解释为:in order to find out what is going to happen rather than what has already happened.
At enrollment in the study, the women reported whether they slept with lights or a television on in the room. Those who slept with artificial light had higher body mass index and larger waist circumference than those who slept with no light.
Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index, BMI表示“身体质量指数,体重指数”,英文解释为“the relationship between your height and your weight, used as a measure of whether you have too much flesh on your body”举个🌰:
Your body mass index is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters.
表示“圆周;周长”,英文解释为“the distance or measurement around the outside of a circle or any round shape”,如:the circumference of the Earth 地球的周长,waist circumference 腰围。
But after controlling for these factors, as well as for age, race, physical activity, diet, sleep duration and other variables, they found that sleeping with lights on was independently associated with gaining 11 pounds or more, an increase of 10 percent or more in B.M.I., a 22 percent increased risk for being overweight and a 33 percent increased risk for obesity. The study is in JAMA Internal Medicine.
The mechanism is unclear, but the researchers suggest that light may disrupt sleep enough to change levels of appetite-regulating hormones or cause daytime sleepiness that reduces physical activity.
“Getting a good night's sleep is really important for health,” said the senior author, Dale P. Sandler, an epidemiologist with the National Institutes of Health. “A very simple thing people can do to reduce the risk for obesity is to turn off the lights before going to sleep.”
表示“流行病学家”,英文解释为“Epidemiologists are scientists who study diseases within populations of people. In essence, these public health professionals analyze what causes disease outbreaks in order to treat existing diseases and prevent future outbreaks.”
The new study further highlights "the common recommendation that we make for people to remove TVs and other technology out of the bedroom environment to facilitate healthy sleep," said Dr. Nathaniel Watson, a professor of neurology and director of the Harborview Sleep Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle, who was not involved in the study.
"As the authors mention, you can't point directly to causality between bedroom light exposure at night for a sleeping individual and weight gain but I think this is definitely a step in that direction," he said. "It indicates that we need to respect our sleep and respecting our sleep means making a sleep environment devoid of any type of light ideally."
表示“因果律,因果论(即万事皆有其因)”,英文解释为“the principle that there is a cause for everything that happens”。
a step in the right direction
表示“朝正确方向迈出的一步”,英文解释为“an action that helps to improve things”举个🌰:
Environmentalists said the law was a step in the right direction.
be devoid of sth
表示“毫无某物,完全没有某物”,英文解释为“to be completely lacking in something”举个🌰:
His face was devoid of any warmth or humour.
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