no sooner ..... than “一....就..”的意思.
- I had no sooner gotten sleep than the cell phone rang.
- We had no sooner gotten out the subway station than it rains.
我们也可以把no sooner放在前面强调这一点
- No sooner had I gotten sleep than the cell phone rang.
我他妈的刚睡着,电话铃就响了。 - No sooner had We gotten out the subway than it rains.
- No sooner Had the cell phone rung than my wife came in.
- No sooner Had my wife came in than someone send me a short message.
- No sooner Had someon sent me a short message than my wife picked up my cell phone.
- No sooner Had my wife scaned the short message than she shouted at me :"who is she?".
- No sooner Had my wife shouted at me than I scaned the short message :“亲爱的,我现在在外出差,手机马上快没钱了,麻烦帮我买张充值卡。”