

作者: 王大睿 | 来源:发表于2016-12-22 11:49 被阅读101次

    The beauty pageant of pets



    HeJiong: good evening, ladies andgentleman. Welcome to the beauty pageant of pets 2016.

    I am the host tonight. My name is Helaoshi.You can call me Xiao he.

    Xiena:Ladies and xiangqinmen, good evening. I am xiena, the hostess tonight. u cancall me Sun

    Hejiong: for the last 2 months, we haveselected 5 pets among the 10,000 candidates.

    Xiena: they're the cat Tom

    Hejiong: the mouse jerry

    Audience: hah, they’re enemies, I wonderwho will be the winner.

    Xiena: the dog of Zhangruoyun,二哈

    Hejiong: the ugly duckling

    And the last one: A chicken.

    Xiena: What? A chicken????

    Hejiong: Yes. A chicken.A chicken that does magic tricks

    Xiena: wow, chicken can do magic? Sounds impossible.

    Hejiong: Yes, we can see it in the nextpart: our talent show.

    Xiena: Wow, I cannot wait.

    Hejiong:(hhh)me too. But beforethat. We need to introduce the rules.

    The five pets need to pick a number from 1to 5 the order of their performance will follow the number they pick.

    Their score is dependent on the votes fromour 500 audience on the spot. When a pet showed his talent, The audience has 3minutes to vote. Left swipe means like. Right swipe means dislike. The pet thathas the most likes is the winner of this competition.

    Xiena:hah,Helaoshi,Just like tantan, I don’t like u, I swipe right. But I like JIEGE, Iswipe left.



    Helaoshi: hhh,Does JIege know your saying love with all our audience? Tan tan,good speaking ads.




    Now, let me have a look. Who’s first? Wowit's very famous. Its owner is an actor. People love his dramas.

    Let's welcome Erha to the stage.

    Xiena: welcome!

    audience: erha, erha, erha...

    Erha:(狗叫,汪汪汪!) hello, everyone. I am erha. I am very excited to be here tonight.u know I am famous. I think this is my talent, right?

    Audience: yes, yes!

    Erha: haha, thanks. If u like watchingMAQUE and FAYIQINMING, please vote me like. I love u .mua~

    Hejiong: thx,erha. your talent is sounique. haha. I heard u like to look into the mirror when u r alone.

    Erha: ah yes. I want to see if I look likemy owner.

    Hejiong: Haha, of course. The answer isalways yes.

    Erha: yes, u can't be more right.

    Hejiong: ok. It's the time for u, audience.

    If u like Erha, please swipe left.,if don’t like, swipe right. But I know that all of u like him.

    何炅:what are u doing,nana?

    谢娜:HAha, I am voting for ERHA, leftswipe,like him

    二哈:thank u ,Najie,uare the most beautiful girl!



    Hejiong:Erha has 412 likes. Well done Erha. Thx for your talent.

    Erha: thanks. Thanks, audience. I love u.bye.

    Hejiong: Then, let's welcome the secondpet: the mouse Jerry.

    Jerry: hello, good evening, ladies andgentleman. I am honored to be here.

    U know my talent is stealing food from Tom,and not get caught by him.

    Am I unique??Please vote me like. Besides,don’t like that cat. He is so stupid. haha

    Xiena: thx, thx for your talent Jerry.Audience, if u like him, please swipe left.

    谢娜:jerry,are u hungry? Have some XIANGPIAOPIAO? Xiaoexiaokun, have someXIANGPIAOPIAO. u can pk with Tom thousand times.

    jerry:哈哈哈,yes,wow taste good, I feel likeI am flying



    谢娜:the end of voting.Jerry has gotten 390 likes. Not bad. Thanks, thx Jerry.

    Next let's welcome the ugly duckling.

    Ugly duck: (鸭叫,呱呱呱...)good evening. I am Ugly duckling. u already heard my story, yes?I was supposed to bean ugly duckling. Iwas unhappy every day. Nobody played with me. So I left my home. I walked,walked...

    One day I walked somewhere I have neverbeen before . I met some swans. Wow they r so beautiful. Then I found that I amthe same to them when I looked into the lake. I am a swan!!Not ugly duckling.

    Guys. u need to believe in yourself,someday u can also be a swan!

    Audience: (applause.)

    Hejiong: Thx, ugly duckling. Oh no, thebeautiful swan. Now audience please vote.

    If u like him, please swipe left.

    何炅:swan, your coat is so

    beautiful,where did u buy it?

    swan:hhh,何老师,I bought it in

    TIANMAO,If u wanna buy something,Tian mao is sufficient.

    TIanmao double 12 Shopping Day ,more high

    quality goods ,half price)


    Hejiong.ok, let us see how many likes ourswan got?



    何炅:430. Wow, until nowit's the most like. Maybe u arethewinner.

    Swan (ugly duck): haha, thx Helaoshi. Thxall of u , my lovely audience, bye.

    Hejiong: next let's welcome the chicken,the chicken that does magic tricks

    Chicken:(鸡叫)haha, good evening guys. I can't wait to show u my talent.

    I can pick the largest number in a fewplaying cards. There's also one king in them and no Joker. I will pick 2audience, who want to come up onto the stage?

    Audience 1 : me, me, me! hey me!

    Audience2:me, me, me!

    Chicken: ok. U and u please.

    Check the cards. Is it usual?

    Audience 1:yes.no problem.

    Chicken: what about u?

    Audience 2: No problem.

    Chicken: ok now, please pick one and showit to the audience.

    Audience1: My number is 8

    audience2: Jack.

    Chicken: Najie, du u want to have a try?

    Xiena: ah, yes! What's my number???Wow it'sQueen. Can u choose king??

    Xiena:(等一会)wow.it's King, unbelievable!

    谢娜:audience,your votingtime!




    Hey guys,do u want to know who is the winner?

    哈哈哈,Itis tom



    496likes,a very high score,

    What's the reason?

    Because tom has another name---Tianmao.

    The end.)



