Heap 堆

作者: 98Future | 来源:发表于2017-10-21 03:38 被阅读0次

两种Heap Structure:

1. Max Heap  parent node比 children node大

2. Min Heap 就是parent node比children node小。

Follow up问题:

List all structures that are both heaps and binary search trees. Assume that all elements of the structures have different values.

一个Node的Heap 或者两个Node 的Heap。There are two such structures: a single-node heap/BST and a two-node heap/BST. The latter structure will have a root and a left child. If it had a right child, that element would have to be greater than the root and would thus not satisfy the heap property.

用一个array来模拟出Heap. 东西都装在特定的location。

比如说Node在k position的, 它的parent node 会在K-1/2 position. 他的children node会在 2*k+1 and 2*k+2.

Heap的Run Time 和 Space。Since a heap is a complete binary tree, it has a smallest possible height - a heap with N nodes always has O(log N) height.

添加元素的时候先加到array的最后一位。 然后不断Bubble Up。

删除元素的时候先把root删了,让root的元素先等于整个heap 的rightmost leaf。 然后bubble down


判断一个东西是不是Max Heap,先check是不是每个node 都小于等于parent。


Below is a max heap


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      本文标题:Heap 堆
