1. 邀请某人到你家
1.1 语法-使用 just 表示最近的过去
使用 just + 动词谈论刚刚或最近完成的行动。
Zach and I just bought a house. (我和 Zach 刚买了房子。)
Carla just got promoted. (Carla 刚刚升职。)
They just moved into their own apartment.
Bill just got promoted to vice president
Did you just go to the grocery store?
Did I tell you? 我跟你讲了吗?
actually 实际上
anyway 对了,好吧
That reminds me. 哦,我想起来了。
1.2 表达-更改对话主题
你可以使用 Guess what? 来引出或改变话题。
A: Hey, Daniel. How's it going?
B: Good. Guess what?
A: What?
B: I just got a promotion.
记住,你可以使用 that reminds me 或 by the way 转到与当前话题相关的话题。
A: I just had my 33rd birthday!
B: Well, happy birthday! Hey, that reminds me. Do you want to come to my son's birthday party?
A: Wow! This pizza tastes amazing.
B: It sure does. By the way, I'm having pizzas and movies at my house on Saturday.
使用 anyway 把跑偏的对话拉回原来的话题。
A: We just got a new swimming pool.
B: Really? Man, how did you pay for that?
A: My credit card! Anyway, we're having a pool party on Sunday.
EMILIO: Hey, Brenda! Guess what?
BRENDA: What ?
EMILIO: I just got my first apartment.
BRENDA: Fantastic! Oh, that reminds me. There's an amazing furniture sale at Lacy's. You could get some things for your new apartment.
EMILIO: Yeah, good idea. Anyway , I'm having a party to celebrate my new place. Can you come?
We had the most delicious chocolate cake.
Yum! By the way, did you see that new bakery downtown? 好吃!顺便问一句,你看到市中心新开的面包店了吗?
Guess what? Jordan just got her design degree!
猜猜怎么了?Jordan 刚拿到了她的设计学位
definitely 一定地,肯定地
probably 很可能
1.3 语法-可能性副词
副词通常直接位于其修饰的动词之前,如果是 be 动词,则位于其后。maybe 是例外,常常位于句首。
表示百分之百的可能性,使用 definitely 或 absolutely。
I definitely saw Sheila at the party. (我肯定在派对上看到了 Sheila。)
Lucille absolutely can't come. (Lucille 绝对不能来。)
表示较大的可能性,使用 probably。
They are probably late. (他们很可能迟到了。)
Dylan probably brought drinks. (Dylan 很可能带了酒水。)
They probably can't buy snacks. (他们很可能不能买零食。)
表示较小的可能性,使用 maybe。注意该词用于句首。
Maybe we can have a surprise party. (我们也许可以办一个惊喜派对。)
A: Is Rhonda coming?
B: Maybe not. She's still working. Rhonda 来吗?
表示非常小的可能性,你可以使用 unlikely。
A: Is Grandma coming to the celebration?
B: It's unlikely. She's not feeling well. 祖母 外婆 来参加庆祝活动吗?
A: Are you inviting Dylan?
B: Definitely. 你请 Dylan 吗?
A: Can I see you tonight?
B: Maybe. 我今晚能见你吗?
屏幕快照 2018-07-08 上午12.54.48.png
DANA: OK, let's see … Who's invited to the party?
JONATHAN: Natasha. She is definitely coming.
DANA: Great! How about Michael?
JONATHAN: Probably not .
DANA: Too bad! Anyway, Laurie probably can come.
DANA: And Kylie said ' absolutely .'
JONATHAN: Nice! Maybe she can bring her tasty, dark chocolate cake.
DANA: Maybe … or maybe not . It's unlikely . She's pretty busy.
having some people over 邀请一些人来家里吃饭
housewarming party 暖屋派对
hoping you and Angela could come
Angela probably can't come.
Angela's birthday's in two weeks.
And I'd like you and Al to come.
We'd be delighted.
1.4 提出及回应邀请
We're having some people over next weekend. Kelsey and I are hoping that you and Cody can come.
I'm having a birthday party for Tyler in two weeks. I'd like you to come.
Are you free Friday night? Would you like to come to a housewarming?
We should get together for dinner this week. What does your schedule look like?
Great! I'm definitely coming. 太棒了!我一定来!
We can probably come. Let me talk to Dave about it. Thanks – I'd be delighted. 谢谢 – 荣幸之至。
Sorry – Chelsea probably can't come. She has a cold. Oh, that weekend's no good. Sorry! 哦,这个周末不行。对不起!
To: lauraahernandez@fun.net
Hi, Laura.
I'm having a birthday party for Brandon on the 23rd, around 5 p.m. I'm hoping that you and Charles can come. Are you guys free?
From: lauraahernandez@fun.net
To: gill93@just.com
Subject: RE: Brandon's birthday
Hey, Gillian.
Sounds lovely. Maybe we can come. I'm not sure. Billy has baseball practice on the 23rd. Let me talk with Charles.
Talk with you soon.
Oh, that weekend's no good. Sorry!
I can probably come. Let me talk with Samantha.
We're having some people over next weekend.
1.5 邀请某人到你家
This weekend. What does your schedule look like?
Too bad. How about dinner next Friday?
By the way, what can I bring?
How about some dessert?
2. 欢迎某人到你家
2.1 表达-欢迎客人
欢迎客人 使用类似这样的表达欢迎客人:
Welcome! 欢迎光临!
Hi! It's so good to see you. 嗨!很高兴见到你。
I've missed you! 我好想你!
Come in! 请进!
Make yourself at home. 不要客气。
Please make yourselves comfortable. 请不要拘束。
Can I take your coat? 我帮你拿外套吧?
You can put your things over here. 你可以把你的东西放在这里。
Can I get you something to drink? 想喝点什么吗?
How was your trip? 旅途怎么样?
How was traffic? 交通状况如何?
2.2 语法-形容词搭配不定式
你可以使用形容词 + to + 动词 解释情感和状态。
I'm happy to hear that you like Korean food. (我很高兴听到你喜欢韩国菜。)
I was surprised to get the promotion. (我很惊讶获得升职。)
So good to see you! (很高兴见到你!)
Amy's ready to eat dinner. (Amy 准备好吃饭了。)
2.3 表达-礼貌的提议和请求
使用 would you like 礼貌向客人提供某物。
Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?
Would you like to have a seat? (你想坐下吗?)
使用 could 或 may 向主人提出礼貌的请求
May I use the restroom? 我可以用一下厕所吗?
Could I have some water? 我能喝点水吗?
语言点:在美式英语中,restroom 是家中厕所非常礼貌的称法,Bathroom 相对礼貌,toilet 不礼貌。在英式英语中,toilet 是家中厕所非常礼貌的称法, Loo 是可以接受的用法,但只限于非正式场合和熟悉的人。
2.4 表达-听到好消息和坏消息的反应
Congratulations! 恭喜!
Really? I'm so happy for you! 真的吗?我为你感到非常高兴!
That's great news! 这消息太棒了!
喝酒时,你可以说 to your 和 cheers 来祝酒。
To your new job! Cheers! (为你的新工作!干杯!)
To your new baby. Cheers! (为你的新生宝宝干杯!)
A: Sorry – the sofa is not very comfortable.
B: That's OK. 对不起 - 沙发不是很舒服。
A: I just got fired.
B: That's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that. 我刚被解雇了。
听到好消息和坏消息时,你都可以使用 it's crazy。
I was surprised to get this great promotion. It's crazy. (这次得到升职,我感到很吃惊。不可思议。)
It felt terrible to get fired. It's totally crazy. (遭到解雇感觉糟透了。这简直不可思议。)
2.5 最终任务-欢迎某人到你家
3. 夜晚结束时告别
3.1 词汇-形容词同义词
great - wonderful - delightful 好的 / 极好的 / 令人高兴的
fun - enjoyable 令人愉快的 / 令人愉快的
happy - glad - pleased 高兴的 / 乐意的 / 喜欢的
beautiful - lovely - gorgeous 美丽的 / 可爱的 / 迷人的
delicious - tasty - yummy 美味的 / 可口的 /好吃的
3.2 口语-美式英语和英式英语
American: gas (汽油)
British: petrol
American: restroom (厕所)
British: toilet
American: cellphone (手机)
British: mobile
虽然这些短语中的第一个在美式和英式英语中都可以使用,但 spot on 多在英式英语中使用。它们的意思相同。
American / British: That's exactly right! (确实如此!)
British: Spot on!
你在英美两国都能听到这些疑问句结构。但是,do you have 多用于美国,have you got 则多用于英国。
American: Do you have a pen? 你有笔吗?
British: Have you got a pen?
3.3 表达-离开某人的家
The party was wonderful. 派对很精彩。
We had a great time. 我们过得很愉快。
It was so nice to see you again. 很高兴又见到你。
A: Do you have everything?
B: I think so. 你东西都拿了吗?
A: Have you got everything?
B: Yes, I have, thanks. 你东西都拿了吗?
Next time, it's our turn to host. 下次我们来办。
You must come to us next time. 你下次一定要来我们家。
3.4 最终任务-夜晚结束告别
4. 撰写感谢信
4.1 语法-'Hope to' 和 'hope that'
Hope to' 和 'hope that'
使用Hope to 和 hope that 谈论你希望发生的事情。注意,Hope to 后接动词原形, hope that 后接从句。
I hope to see you again soon. 我希望不久后能再见到你。
I hope that I see you again soon. 我希望我不久后能再见到你。
在英语口语和书面语中,单词 that 有没有都可以,在句中省略不会影响句子意思。
I hope I see you again soon.我希望我不久后能再见到你。
使用 I hope so, too 肯定应答 hope to 或 hope that 的句子。
A: I hope to see you again soon.
B: I hope so, too. 我希望不久后能再见到你。
4.2 表达-讨论有趣的活动
I had a really good time. 我过得很愉快。
I really enjoyed myself. 我玩得非常开心。
It was great! 非常棒!
I had a lot of fun. 我玩得很高兴。
4.3 写作-撰写感谢信
September 16, 2012
问候收信人,使用 Dear + 姓名,后接逗号 (,)。
Dear Andy, (亲爱的 Andy,)
Thank you for inviting me to your party.
Thanks for the wonderful gift.
The food at the party was delicious.
Your home is lovely.
The scarf is beautiful.
I hope to see you again soon.
I hope that you can visit me soon.
Sincerely, (此致)