1.1 词汇 - 演出
a dance
/ə dæns/
a social event at which people dance
1.We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity.
a play
/ə pleɪ/
a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre
1.Molly is going to a play this weekend.
2.trying out for a play.
a musical
/ə ˈmjuːzɪkl/
a play or film in which all or part of the story is told through singing and sometimes dancing
1.I would like to see a comedy this Saturday, but my husband wants to see a musical.
2.listening to songs from a musical.
a lecture
/ə ˈlektʃər/
a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular topic
1.A famous professor of physics is giving a lecture at the university tomorrow.
2.attending a lecture at the museum.
a movie
/ə ˈmuːvi/
a story that is told through moving pictures recorded on film
1.We went to a movie last night about superheros saving the world.
2.seeing a movie together.
a game
/ə ɡeɪm/
an activity or sport which has rules where people or teams compete against each other
1.Danny goes to every baseball game he can.
2.watching a game on tv.
a concert
/ə ˈkɑːnsərt/
a musical performance
1.There is a jazz concert in the park next Saturday.
2.going to a concert downtown.
1.2 语法 - 动名词和不定式
Oscar enjoys cooking dinner for Frank.
Frank plans to eat out.
We're planning to go to the soccer game.
We want to see the play in the park this week.
I need to get some money for the concert.
I enjoy listening to music.
Martin kept playing his guitar until midnight.
thinking about
We're thinking about going to a concert.
I like going to musicals.
I like to go to musicals.
Joan loves eating in restaurants.
Joan loves to eat in restaurants.
It began to snow.
It began snowing.
1.3 表达 - 表述能力
使用can 和 can not / can't
John can drive.
I can't speak Spanish.
Can 在句中通常不重读,Can't 通常重读。聆听句中两个单词的发音。注意 Can 说得很快。
短语 know how to 表示你具有做某事的知识或能力。添加 not 表示否定意义。
I know how to drive.
I don't know how to swim.
你也可以使用短语 good at 和 bad at 描述能力程度。这些短语常常与 really、very 和 pretty 等副词搭配使用。
*Carol is really good at chess.
James is pretty bad at computer games.
你可以使用短语 terrible at 描述非常差的能力。
I'm terrible at driving.*
语言点:单词 pretty 有两层意思,它既表示某人外表迷人,做副词使用时,则修饰强调后接的形容词。
1.4 表达 - 询问和描述选项
What do you want to do?
What are we going to do tonight?
What's going on?
使用短语 there is 和 there are 搭配 and 来列举演出活动。
There's a new movie at the theater and a lecture at the university.
There are some great movies and plays going on this week.
使用 can 和 could 介绍可能的活动,搭配 or 来提出不同的选择。
We can go to the lecture or the movie.
You could go swimming or you could go hiking.
使用 what else 搭配问题来询问更多选择。
What else is there to do?
What else is going on?
1.5 最终任务 - 描述娱乐项目
2 讨论即将发生的活动
2.1 词汇 - 演出地点
a building or an outdoor area where plays and similar types of entertainment are performed
1.Broadway theatres
a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals. Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes.
a large sports ground surrounded by rows of seats and usually other buildings
1. a football/sports stadium
a large building or room in which public meetings, concerts, etc. are held
a place where you can buy and eat a meal
1. an Italian restaurant.
a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks
1. We met at a bar called the Flamingo.
a building where people can go to see fish and other water creatures.
concert hall
/ˈkɑːnsərt hɔːl/
a large place to see a music performance
1. The orchestra performed at the concert hall in the center of town.
2. a large concert hall
a place that is open late in the evening where people can go to dance, drink, etc.
2.2 语法 - 时间和地点介词
三个时间和地点介词 in、on 和 at。
大的地区或长的时间,比如国家或年,使用 in。
*Beijing is in China.
They came here in 2005.*
像街道等较小的地区以及星期和日期,则使用 on.
I live on Main Street.
The lecture is on Monday.
My birthday is on April 17th.
地址、公司和建筑,以及表示确切时间则使用 at。
His house is at 465 Pine Street.
The concert is at 5 p.m.
The lecture is at the auditorium.
使用 in 搭配 morning、afternoon 和 evening。使用 at 搭配 night、midnight 和 noon。
In the morning, I'm very tired.
At night, I like to read.
2.3 表达 - 请求帮助
用下列带有 Could you 的问句请求帮助。
Could you do me a favor?
Could you help me?
Sure. No problem. OK.
如果你帮不了忙,你可以说 I'm sorry, but 来表示道歉,然后说明原因。
I'm sorry, but I'm really busy right now.
I'm really sorry, but I can't help you.
2.4 阅读 - 阅读演出信息
concert, picnic, lecture, play, musical
auditorium, theater, aquarium, concert hall
on February 6, in the evening, at 5 o'clock
at Martina's restaurant, in Central Park, on 5th Street
admission , perform ,start ,ticket ,available
The Monterey Bay Aquarium
The Empire State Building
Harry's Bar and Grill
Springdale Week
Picnic in the Park
This weekend, residents of Springdale are going to enjoy their
annual picnic in Hooper Park. The party will start at 10 in the
morning and continue until 7 in the evening. There will be
games for the children and food for everyone! Admission is
Mozart for May
The Springfield Orchestra will perform The Magic Flute in the
Smith Concert Hall on Sunday night, May 3rd. The program
begins at 8 p.m. and will last about three hours. Admission is
$10 for adults and $5 for children.
2.5 最终任务 - 讨论即将发生的活动
3 计划与朋友晚上外出
3.1 词汇 - 描述演出的形容词
许多可以用来描述演出的形容词都以 -ing 结尾,从动词变化而来。比如,形容词 relaxing 来自动词 relax。
interesting , boring , relaxing , exciting , surprising
fun , incredible , loud , quiet , wonderful , terrible
interesting - boring
relaxing - exciting
loud - quiet
wonderful - terrible
3.2 语法 - ‘Why’和‘because’
'Why' and 'because'
A: Why did you go to Paris?
B: I went to Paris because it's beautiful!
The word because introduces a clause with a reason – because it's beautiful, for example. It is used with another clause, the main clause, that gives the topic of the sentence – I went to Paris, for example. Here are some more examples.
I go to that restaurant => because it's cheap, and the food is delicious.
I love surfing => because it's exciting.
I go to concerts => because I enjoy classical music.
In spoken English, it's common to answer a question using only the clause with because. The main clause (I went to Paris) is understood.
A: Why did you go to Paris?
B: Because it's beautiful!
3.3 词汇 - 电影类型(Movie genres)
a play for the theatre, television or radio
a costume/historical, etc. drama
a story about a love affair
She's a compulsive reader of romances.
a book, film/movie or song which is well known and considered to be of very high quality, setting standards for other books, etc
English classics such as 'Alice in Wonderland'
a play or film/movie that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays and films/movies of this type
a romantic comedy
a type of book, film/movie, etc. that is designed to frighten people
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction.
3.4 表达 - 建议活动(Suggesting activities)
Suggesting activities
There are several ways to make suggestions for activities.
'Let's' + base form of verb
Let's go to the dance performance. Let's go to the dance performance.
'How about' or 'what about' + verb + '-ing'
What about meeting some friends? What about meeting some friends?
'Could' + base form of verb
We could go out for a drink at Harry's Bar. We could go out for a drink at Harry's Bar.
'Why don't we' + base form of verb
Why don't we try a new restaurant? Why don't we try a new restaurant?