

作者: bb3170d9a3d4 | 来源:发表于2020-05-10 18:05 被阅读0次

In modern society, I had heard a lot of ridiculous words, such as “商业化”、“new is always good”,I can’t image that how does business educate our society. If it can do that ,I think this society is getting sickness.

So , there is nothing strange what happened now.
In order to attract customers, the station leader asked a group of teenage girls to fill up the tank in bikinis.
In order to attract data traffic, some commercial accounts use other people’s video and then fill in their own voices.
In order to make each of staff feel stress during work , some company leaders design various assessment mechanisms to weed out the last one.
So , in order to get some profits, “we lie , we cheat ,we steal”!

Don’t they feel shame? No ,they had already said you should be shame, because you don’t have money and power.
This is capital ,this is what are they doing now.



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