
An Introduction to the Application of the Theory of Probabilistic Functions of a Markov Process to Automatic Speech Recognition(1982), S. E. LEVINSON et al. [pdf]
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Framewise phoneme classification with bidirectional LSTM and other neural network architectures(2005), Alex Graves et al. [pdf]
Applying Convolutional Neural Networks concepts to hybrid NN-HMM model for speech recognition(2012), Ossama Abdel-Hamid et al. [pdf]
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Context-Dependent Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition(2012), George E. Dahl et al. [pdf]
Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition(2012), Geoffrey Hinton et al. [pdf]
Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks(2012), Alex Graves et al. [pdf]
Deep convolutional neural networks for LVCSR(2013), Tara N. Sainath et al. [pdf]
Improving deep neural networks for LVCSR using rectified linear units and dropout(2013), George E. Dahl et al. [pdf]
Improving low-resource CD-DNN-HMM using dropout and multilingual DNN training(2013), Yajie Miao et al. [pdf]
Improvements to deep convolutional neural networks for LVCSR(2013), Tara N. Sainath et al. [pdf]
Machine Learning Paradigms for Speech Recognition: An Overview(2013), Li Deng et al. [pdf]
Recent advances in deep learning for speech research at Microsoft(2013), Li Deng et al. [pdf]
Speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks(2013), Alex Graves et al. [pdf]
Convolutional deep maxout networks for phone recognition(2014), László Tóth et al. [pdf]
Convolutional Neural Networks for Speech Recognition(2014), Ossama Abdel-Hamid et al. [pdf]
Combining time- and frequency-domain convolution in convolutional neural network-based phone recognition(2014), László Tóth. [pdf]
Deep Speech: Scaling up end-to-end speech recognition(2014), Awni Y. Hannun et al. [pdf]
End-to-end Continuous Speech Recognition using Attention-based Recurrent NN: First Results(2014), Jan Chorowski et al. [pdf]
First-Pass Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition using Bi-Directional Recurrent DNNs(2014), Andrew L. Maas et al. [pdf]
Long short-term memory recurrent neural network architectures for large scale acoustic modeling(2014), Hasim Sak et al. [pdf]
Robust CNN-based speech recognition with Gabor filter kernels(2014), Shuo-Yiin Chang et al. [pdf]
Stochastic pooling maxout networks for low-resource speech recognition(2014), Meng Cai et al. [pdf]
Towards End-to-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks(2014), Alex Graves et al. [pdf]
Attention-Based Models for Speech Recognition(2015), Jan Chorowski et al. [pdf]
Analysis of CNN-based speech recognition system using raw speech as input(2015), Dimitri Palaz et al. [pdf]
Convolutional, Long Short-Term Memory, fully connected Deep Neural Networks(2015), Tara N. Sainath et al. [pdf]
Deep convolutional neural networks for acoustic modeling in low resource languages(2015), William Chan et al. [pdf]
Deep Neural Networks for Single-Channel Multi-Talker Speech Recognition(2015), Chao Weng et al. [pdf]
Fast and Accurate Recurrent Neural Network Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition(2015), Hasim Sak et al. [pdf]
Listen, Attend and Spell(2015), William Chan et al. [pdf]
Online Sequence Training of Recurrent Neural Networks with Connectionist Temporal Classification(2015), Kyuyeon Hwang et al. [pdf]
Advances in All-Neural Speech Recognition(2016), Geoffrey Zweig et al. [pdf]
Advances in Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for LVCSR(2016), Tom Sercu et al. [pdf]
End-to-end attention-based large vocabulary speech recognition(2016), Dzmitry Bahdanau et al. [pdf]
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Layer-Wise Context Expansion and Attention(2016), Dong Yu et al. [pdf]
Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin(2016), Dario Amodei et al. [pdf]
End-to-end attention-based distant speech recognition with Highway LSTM(2016), Hassan Taherian. [pdf]
Joint CTC-Attention based End-to-End Speech Recognition using Multi-task Learning(2016), Suyoun Kim et al. [pdf]
Listen, attend and spell: A neural network for large vocabulary conversational speech recognition(2016), William Chan et al. [pdf]
Latent Sequence Decompositions(2016), William Chan et al. [pdf]
Segmental Recurrent Neural Networks for End-to-End Speech Recognition(2016), Liang Lu et al. [pdf]
Towards better decoding and language model integration in sequence to sequence models(2016), Jan Chorowski et al. [pdf]
Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Noise Robust Speech Recognition(2016), Yanmin Qian et al. [pdf]
Very Deep Convolutional Networks for End-to-End Speech Recognition(2016), Yu Zhang et al. [pdf]
Very deep multilingual convolutional neural networks for LVCSR(2016), Tom Sercu et al. [pdf]
Wav2Letter: an End-to-End ConvNet-based Speech Recognition System(2016), Ronan Collobert et al. [pdf]
WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio(2016), Aäron van den Oord et al. [pdf]
An enhanced automatic speech recognition system for Arabic(2017), Mohamed Amine Menacer et al. [pdf]
A network of deep neural networks for distant speech recognition(2017), Mirco Ravanelli et al. [pdf]
An Unsupervised Speaker Clustering Technique based on SOM and I-vectors for Speech Recognition Systems(2017), Hany Ahmed et al. [pdf]
Building DNN acoustic models for large vocabulary speech recognition(2017), Andrew L. Maas et al. [pdf]
Direct Acoustics-to-Word Models for English Conversational Speech Recognition(2017), Kartik Audhkhasi et al. [pdf]
English Conversational Telephone Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines(2017), George Saon et al. [pdf]
ESE: Efficient Speech Recognition Engine with Sparse LSTM on FPGA(2017), Song Han et al. [pdf]
Deep LSTM for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition(2017), Xu Tian et al. [pdf]
Multichannel End-to-end Speech Recognition(2017), Tsubasa Ochiai et al. [pdf]
Multi-task Learning with CTC and Segmental CRF for Speech Recognition(2017), Liang Lu et al. [pdf]
Multichannel Signal Processing With Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Speech Recognition(2017), Tara N. Sainath et al. [pdf]
Residual Convolutional CTC Networks for Automatic Speech Recognition(2017), Yisen Wang et al. [pdf]