

作者: 李子心诚 | 来源:发表于2018-06-07 12:53 被阅读0次


While makingmoney was good, having meaningful work and meaningful relationships was farbetter. To me, meaningful work is being on a mission I becomeengrossedin, andmeaningful relationships are those I have with people I care deeply about andwho care deeply about me.




Think about it: It’s senseless to have making money asyour goal as money has nointrinsicvalue—its value comes from what it can buy, and it can’t buy everything. It’ssmarter to start with what you really want, which are your real goals, and thenwork back to what you need to attain them. Money will be one of the things youneed, but it’s not the only one and certainly not the most important one onceyou get past having the amount you need to get what you really want.



Intrinsic value==内在价值。


When thinking about the things you really want, it pays tothink of theirrelativevalues so you weigh them properly. In my case, I wanted meaningful work andmeaningful relationships equally, and I valued money less—as long as I hadenough to take care of my basic needs. In thinking about the relativeimportance of great relationships and money, it was clear that relationshipswere more important because there is no amount of money I would take inexchange for a meaningful relationship, because there is nothing I could buywith that money that would be more valuable. So, for me, meaningful work andmeaningful relationships were and still are my primary goals and everything Idid was for them. Making money was an incidental consequence of that.





In the late 1970s, I began sending my observations aboutthe markets to clients via telex. The genesisof these Daily  Observations(“Grains and Oilseeds,” “Livestockand Meats,” Economy and FinancialMarkets”) was pretty simple: While our primary business was in managing riskexposures, our clients also called to pick my brain about the markets. Takingthose calls became time-consuming, so I decided it would be more efficient towrite down my thoughts every day so others could understand my logic and helpimprove it. It was a good discipline since it forced me to research and reflectevery day. It also became a key channel of communication for our business.Today, almost forty years and ten thousand publications later, ourDaily Observationsare read, reflected on, and argued aboutby clients and policymakers around the world. I’m still writing them, alongwith others at Bridgewater, and expect to continue to write them until peopledon’t care to read them or I die.






In addition to providing clients with these observationsand advice, I began to manage their exposures by buying and selling on theirbehalf. Sometimes I waspaid a fixed fee each month and sometimes I received a percentage of theprofits. Among my consulting clients during this period was McDonald’s, whichwas a huge beef buyer, and Lane Processing, then the largest chicken producerin the country. I made them both a lot of money—especially Lane Processing,which did even better from itsspeculationsin the grain andsoymarkets than it did from raising and sellingchickens.





Around this time, McDonald’s had conceived of a newproduct, the Chicken McNugget, but they werereluctantto bring it to market because of theirconcern that chicken prices might rise andsqueezetheir profit margins. Chicken producerslike Lane wouldn’t agree to sell to them at a fixed price because they wereworried that their costs would go up andtheywould besqueezed.



Reluctant==抵抗 抵制。

the Chicken



profit margins==利润边际


As I thought about the problem, it occurred to me that ineconomic terms a chicken can be seen as a simple machine consisting of a chickplus its feed. The mostvolatilecost that the chicken producer needed to worry about was feed prices. I showedLane how to use a mix of corn and soymeal futures to lock in costs so theycouldquotea fixedprice to McDonald’s. Having greatly reduced its price risk, McDonald’sintroduced the McNugget in 1983. I felt great about helping make that happen.





Volatile==弹性的 变动的。


I identified similar types of price relationships in thecattle and meat markets. For example, I showed cattle feeders how they couldlock in strong profit margins byhedginggood price relationships between their cost items(feeder cattle, corn, and soymeal) and what they were going to sell (fedcattle) six months later. I developed a way of selling different cuts of freshmeat forfuturedelivery at fixed prices far below frozen meat prices but that still producedbig profit margins. Combining my clients’ deep understanding of the way the“machines” of their own businesses operated with my knowledge of the waymarkets functioned worked to our mutual advantage, while making the marketsmore efficient overall. My ability to visualize these complex machines gave usa competitiveedgeagainst those who wereshooting from the hip, and eventually changed the way these industries operated.And, as always, it was a kick to be working with people I liked.





future delivery==期货交易

shooting from the hip==鲁莽讲话,行事。


On March 26, 1978, my wife gave birth to our first son,Devon. To have a child was the most difficult decision I ever made, because Icouldn’t know what the experience would be like and it would beirrevocable. It turnedout to be my best decision. While I won’tdelvetoo much into my family life in this book, Ipursued it with the same sort ofintensitywith which I pursued my career, and I linked them. Togive you an idea about how interwoven they were in my mind, Devon was namedafter one of the oldest breeds of cattle known to man, among the first breedsimported into the U.S. and renowned for its high fertility.


Delve ==钻研 探究。






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