MY ABYSS: 我的地狱深渊

From 1950until 1980, debt, inflation, and growth moved up and down together in steadilylarger waves, with each bigger than the one before, especially after thedollar’s link to gold was broken in 1971. In the 1970s, there were three suchwaves. The first came in 1971, as a result of the dollar’sdevaluation. The second,which came between 1974 and 1975, took inflation to its highest level sinceWorld War II. The Fed tightened the money supply, driving interest rates torecord highs, which caused the worst stock market and economic downturn sincethe 1930s. The third and largest wave came in 1979–82 and was one of thegreatest economic/marketcrescendosandreversalssince1929–32.Interest ratesandinflationsoared and crashed; stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies went through oneof their mostvolatileperiods ever; and unemployment hit its highest level since the GreatDepression. It was a time of extremeturbulencefor the global economy, for the markets, and for mepersonally.
Interest rates==利率 。
In 1978–80(as in 1970–71 and in 1974–75) different markets began to move inunisonbecause they weremore influenced by swings in money and credit growth than by changes in theirindividual supply-demand balances. These big moves wereexacerbatedby the oil shock that followedthe fall of theShah of
Iran. That oil market volatility led to the creation of the first oilfuturescontract,which gave me trading opportunities (by then, there were futures markets ininterest rates and currencies as well, and I was making bets in all of them).
读后感 :是不是利用贷款利率很低的宽松政策贷款买进期货,然后乘油价降低买进,油价升高时卖出。因为货币政策收紧,信贷政策收紧,存款利率提升,相当于是鼓励存款和限制投资,投机,所以作者大量贷款做期货??不明白。
Exacerbated==加重 恶化。
Because allmarkets were being driven by these factors, Iimmersedmyself inmacroeconomicsand historical data (especiallyinterest rates and currency data) to improve my understanding of the machine atplay. As inflation began to rise in 1978, I realized the Fed would likely actto tighten the monetary supply. By July 1979, inflation was clearly out ofcontrol, and President Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker chairman ofthe Federal Reserve. Afew months later, Volcker announced that the Fed would limit the growth of themoney supply to 5.5 percent. According to my calculations at the time, 5.5percent money growth would break the inflation spiral—but it would alsostranglethe economy andmarkets and likely cause acatastrophicdebt crisis.
读后感 :为什么锁紧货币供应会遏制经济和市场??债务危机可以理解,因为美国大多数都是贷款投资或者投机,美国人几乎不存款。
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