

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-09-06 13:19 被阅读0次
Announcement 通告
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Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
Introduction: Transition from the Lord’s Supper 引言:从主的晚餐过渡而来
Please do not think we have now moved beyond the Lord’s Supper – as if we are now going to fix our eyes elsewhere to the next topic. Our text compellingly calls us to have our sights firmly fixed on Christ’s suffering as we seek to embrace God’s will for us in suffering. 请不要以为我们现在已经超越了主的圣餐—就好像我们现在要把目光停留在其他地方,转到下一个话题上。我们的今天的经文引人注目地呼召我们在苦难中寻求领受神对我们的旨意时,要紧紧盯住基督的苦难。
I want to begin with a reminder of what we saw last time with the connections between 3:17, 3:18, and 4:1. 我想先提醒一下我们上次看到的3:17、3:18和4:1之间的联系。
For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. (3:17) 如果 神的旨意是要你们受苦,那么为行善受苦,总比为行恶受苦好。(3:17)
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. (3:18) 因为基督也曾一次为你们的罪死了,就是义的代替不义的,为要领你们到 神面前。
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. (4:1) 基督既然在肉身受过苦,你们也应当以同样的心志装备自己(因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了)(4:1)
Verse 1 is the main point of the passage. If we were to state it in its simplest form it would be – “arm yourselves with the same way of thinking” (v. 1b) But the phrase “same way of thinking” only makes sense with reference to the phrase before: “Christ suffered in the flesh” (v. 1a) 第1节是这段话的主要点。如果要用最简单的形式来说明,那就是—“用同样的思维方式武装自己”(1b节)但“同样的思维方式”这句话只有参照前面那句话才有意义:“基督在肉身受过苦”(第1a节)
So if we put those two phrases together we get the following point: 所以如果我们把这两句话放在一起,就会得到以下这一点:
We must meditate upon Christ’s suffering and then arm ourselves with the same way of thinking. 我们必须默想基督的苦难,然后用同样的思维方式武装自己。
We do not arm ourselves with weapons when we face the hostility of the culture all around us, we arm ourselves with a Christlike way of thinking or a gospel mentality. 当我们面对周遭文化的敌意时,我们不是用武器来武装自己,而是用基督式的思维方式或福音的心态来武装自己。
How does this point fit with the rest of the passage? 这一点与这段经文的其它部分如何配合?
Peter reinforces that point in verses 3-6 with a two-fold foundation: (1) the present judgment and (2) the future judgment. 彼得在3-6节用两方面的理由来加强这一点:(1) 现在的审判和(2) 未来的审判。
In terms of the present judgment, Christians experience a certain kind of judgment right now in this life at the hands of unbelievers. We are ridiculed and rejected for failing to adopt the way the world thinks and the way the world lives. 就现在的审判而言,基督徒在今生就在不信的人手中经历了某种审判。我们因为没有采用世界的思维方式和世界的生活方式而受到嘲弄和排斥。
But the present judgment believers endure must be paired with the future judgment God will carry out. The verdict will be reversed. Unbelievers will be decisively and irreversibly condemned for their rejection of Christ, but God’s children will be saved and restored forever. 但信徒现在所承受的审判,必须与未来神要执行的审判相配合。判决将被颠覆。不信的人将因他们拒绝基督而受到决定性的、不可逆转的刑罚,但神的儿女将得到拯救,永远地复兴。
Those two foundational points bring us back to verse 2 and what Peter says about a certain way of thinking and living. The future judgment cannot be an abstract concept that we think about from time to time. It must break into the way we think and live here and now. That future judgment must reinforce the resolve of believers to endure suffering. The resolve to embrace God’s will in suffering is also a package deal with embracing God’s will for sanctification. Willingness to embrace suffering (earthly loss) shows that they have died to this world and its sinful passions (earth’s exiles). It means we really are the citizens of heaven living for the world to come. 这两个基础点让我们回到了第2节,以及彼得所说的某种思想和生活方式。未来的判断不可能只是一个抽象的概念,让我们偶然想想而已。它必定闯入我们此时此刻的思想和生活方式。那未来的审判必定加强信徒忍受苦难的决心。在苦难中领受神旨意的决心,必然伴随着接受神让我们成圣的旨意。愿意接受苦难(在地上的损失),说明他们已经向这个世界及其罪恶的私欲死了(在地上的寄居者)。这意味着我们真的是活在未来世界的天国公民。
Text 经文
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. 4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; 5 but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6 For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does. 1 基督既然在肉身受过苦,你们也应当以同样的心志装备自己(因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了)2 好叫你们不再随从人的私慾,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。3 因为你们过去随从教外人的心意,行邪淫、私慾、醉酒、荒宴、狂饮和可憎拜偶像的事,时候已经够了。4 他们见你们不再与他们同奔那纵情放荡的路,就觉得奇怪,毁谤你们。5 他们必要向那位预备要审判活人死人的主交帐。6 因此,那些死人也曾有福音传给他们,好使他们的肉体受了人要受的审判,他们的灵却靠 神活着。
The passage is packed with glorious truth and there are many tight logical connections that I am excited for us to discover together. I wrote the main point of the sermon this week and then I wrote a summary of the passage that tries to put it all together. 这段经文充满了荣耀的真理,有很多紧密的逻辑联系,我很期待我们一起去探索发现。我写了本周讲道的要点,然后我写了一段总结,试图把这段经文整合起来。
Main Point 要点:
We must meditate upon Christ’s suffering and then arm ourselves with the same way of thinking. 我们必须默想基督的苦难,然后用同样的思维方式武装自己。
Here is a summary of the passage: 以下是对这段经文的总结:
Because Christ’s suffering was the pathway to glory, believers should adopt the same mindset and surrender to God’s will in suffering and sanctification because they know the present judgment is a prelude to glory that will come with the final judgment. 因为基督的苦难是通往荣耀的道路,所以信徒也应该采取同样的心态,在苦难和成圣中降服于神的旨意,因为他们知道现在的审判是通往荣耀的前奏,而荣耀将随着最后的审判而到来。
Outline 纲要
1. Resolve to Suffer, not Sin (1-2) 1.决心受苦,决不犯罪(1-2节)
2. The Present Judgment (v. 3-4) 2.现在的审判(3-4节)
3. The Future Judgment (v. 5-6) 3.未来的审判(5-6节)
Exposition 解经
1. Resolve to Suffer, not Sin (1-2) 1. 决心受苦,决不犯罪(1-2节)
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 1 基督既然在肉身受过苦,你们也应当以同样的心志装备自己(因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了)2 好叫你们不再随从人的私慾,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。
A. Christ’s suffering and our suffering: a mindset A. 基督的苦难和我们的苦难:同一个心志
Peter labors once again to connect Christ’s suffering and their suffering. Jesus suffered according to God’s perfect will. Jesus endured suffering and hostility and would not be turned away from obeying his Father and fulfilling his purpose: to bring many sons and daughters to glory through his suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus would not let anything keep him from dying on that cross to bring you and me to glory. 彼得再次努力将基督的苦难和他们的苦难联系起来。耶稣按着神完美的旨意受苦。耶稣忍受了苦难和敌意,决不会偏离天父的旨意并实现祂的目的:通过祂的苦难、死亡和复活,使许多儿女得着荣耀。耶稣不会让任何事情阻挡祂死在十字架上,从而把你和我带到荣耀中。
I find it fascinating that Peter and the author of Hebrews have the same strategy in linking Christ’s suffering with our suffering. 我发现彼得和希伯来书的作者在把基督的苦难与我们的苦难联系在一起时用的是相同的策略,这很吸引人。
2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 2 专一注视耶稣,就是那位信心的创造者和完成者。他因为那摆在面前的喜乐,就忍受了十字架,轻看了羞辱,现在就坐在 神宝座的右边。
3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted 3 这位忍受罪人那样顶撞的耶稣,你们要仔细思想,免得疲倦灰心。
What was one of the main things he had to overcome? Shame! People tried to scare him away from obedience by shaming him. But Jesus despised the shame. He looked the shame square in the face and said, “I shame you shame. You will not keep me from obedience!” 祂要克服的一个主要问题是什么?羞辱!人们试图通过羞辱祂来吓唬祂,要祂不听神的话。但耶稣轻看了羞辱。祂直视着羞辱的脸,说:“我藐视你,羞辱,你不会让我不听神的话!”
We see the same thing in Hebrews 13:12-14. What did Jesus have to face: reproach! We will as well. 我们在希伯来书13:12-14也看到了同样的事情。耶稣要面对的是什么:责难!这是我们也要面对的。
12 So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. 13 Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. 14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come 12 所以耶稣也是这样在城门外受苦,为的是要藉着自己的血使人民成圣。13 那么,让我们也出到营外到他那里去,担当他的凌辱。14 因为在这里我们没有长存的城,我们却是寻求那将要来的城。
What is Peter doing and what is the author of Hebrews doing when they share these verses? They are saying what any good coach or commanding officer would say: “be prepared, get ready, train for this, don’t be caught off guard.” 当彼得和希伯来书的作者分享这些经文时,他们在做什么?他们说的是任何一个好的教练或指挥官都会说的话: “要做好预备,做好准备,为此进行训练,不要措手不及。”
Our willingness to embrace the reproach and shame that will come on the path of obedience means we have made a decisive break from sin and the path of disobedience. That is where Peter goes next. 我们愿意接受在顺服的道路上会出现的责难和羞辱,意味着我们已经果断地与罪和不顺服的道路决裂。这就是彼得接下来要去的地方。
B. What is the link between suffering and sanctification? B. 苦难与成圣之间有什么联系?
for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了2 好叫你们不再随从人的私慾,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。
What does it mean that whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin? The essential point here is to recognize the choice between two paths: (1) the path of disobedience (i.e., the path of least resistance – go along with the culture and avoid their contempt), or (2) the path of obedience (i.e., the path of much resistance - follow Christ and not the cultural norms and be willing to suffer the potential criticism and cultural pressure that will come your way. “在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了”是什么意思?这里的基本点是要认识到两条道路之间的选择,即:(1)不顺服的道路(即阻力最小的道路——顺应文化,避免他们的蔑视),或(2) 顺服的道路(即阻力很大的道路——跟随基督,而不是文化规范,并愿意承受可能出现的批评和文化压力)。
A resolve to suffer says, “I have decided to follow Jesus no matter the cost. I will gladly choose to obey God and face the world’s wrath, rather than obey the culture and face God’s wrath.” 受苦的决心说:“我已决定不惜代价跟随耶稣。我愿意选择顺从神,面对世界的愤怒,而不是顺从文化,却面对上帝的愤怒。”
C. The Rest of the Time in the Flesh – What Do You Live For? C. 在世上度余下的光阴—你为什么而活?
so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 好叫你们不再随从人的私慾,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。
Those two paths now receive different names based on what you are really living for. 现在这两条路基于你真正的生活目的而得到不同的名字。
1. Earth’s citizens live for “human passions, 1.地上的公民为“人的私欲”而活。
2. Heaven’s citizens/Earth’s exiles live for “the will of God.” 2.天上的公民/地上的寄居者为“神的旨意”而活。
Peter keeps repeating this word for “passions” or “lusts” to make this point. 彼得不断重复这个“私欲”或“情欲”的词来说明这个观点。
11 Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul (1 Pet. 2:11) 11 亲爱的,我劝你们作客旅和寄居的人,要禁戒肉体的私欲,这私欲是与灵魂争战的。(彼得前书2:11)
Notice the repetition in verses 2 and 3. 请注意第2和3节之间的重复。
2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. 2 好叫你们不再随从人的私欲,只顺从 神的旨意,在世上度余下的光阴。
3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions 3 因为你们过去随从教外人的心意,行邪淫、私欲、醉酒、荒宴、狂饮和可憎拜偶像的事,时候已经够了。
So arm yourselves with this way of thinking. Do not believe the lie that what we do in this life does not matter. That is called cheap grace. You think you can be forgiven of your sins and then live anyway you want. You make a mockery of forgiveness and the power of the Holy Spirit and the miracle of the new birth. But you also have to avoid the other ditch: (1) believing that what we do here does not matter (cheap grace) or (2) it is all that matters (nowism). We want the judgment to come to break into the present so that the way we live and think does not look like the world, but looks Christ-like and Christ-exalting. 所以你们应当以同样的心志武装自己。不要相信“我们今生所做的事不重要”这样的谎言。这就是所谓的廉价恩典。你以为自己的罪过可以得到宽恕,然后想怎么活就怎么活。你这是在嘲弄宽恕和圣灵的力量,以及新生命的奇迹。但你也要避免另一条阴沟:(1)相信我们在这里的所作所为并不重要(廉价的恩典)或(2)全部的重要性都关乎现在(现在主义)。我们希望审判能闯入到现在,使我们的生活方式和思想方式不像世界,而是看起来像基督,高举基督。
2. The Present Judgment (v. 3-4) 2. 现在的审判(3-4节)
3 For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. 4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; 3 因为你们过去随从教外人的心意,行邪淫、私慾、醉酒、荒宴、狂饮和可憎拜偶像的事,时候已经够了。4 他们见你们不再与他们同奔那纵情放荡的路,就觉得奇怪,毁谤你们。
A. Wasted Years A. 浪费的岁月
They have made a break from their pagan past when they did not know God. They did not live for God, but for the flesh. As Paul said, they were lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. 他们已经与作为不认识神的教外人的过去决裂了。他们不是为神而活,而是为肉体而活。正如保罗所说,他们是爱享乐的人,而不是爱神的人。
He says that the time that is past is enough for living that way. The apostle Paul says it a different way in Romans 6. 他说过去这样生活的时间已经够多了。使徒保罗在罗马书第6章用不同的方式说了同样的道理:
20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21 But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. 20 你们作罪的奴仆的时候,就不受义的约束。21 那么,你们在现今以为羞耻的事上,当时得了甚么呢? 那些事的结局就是死。22 现在你们既然从罪里得了释放,作了 神的奴仆,就有成圣的果子,那结局就是永生。
I do not want to skip over these verses lightly. Many of you likely feel a sense of shame over past sin. And that is appropriate. Don’t give into the pressure to return to those things because of worldly pressure and shame. You have already tasted the shame of living that way. You feel a weight of grief and sadness over years that feel wasted when you were living a life of disobedience. Some of you wear the scars from living that life. 我不想轻易跳过这些经节。你们中的许多人可能对过去的罪感到羞耻。这是合宜的。不要因为世俗的压力和羞耻心而屈服并回归那些东西。你已经尝到了那样生活的羞耻。当你过着不顺服神的生活时,你经年感受忧伤和悲伤的沉重,觉得浪费了光阴。你们中的一些人还带着那种生活中的伤疤。
B. A Life Sold Out for the Flesh B. 为肉体而出卖的生命
Was there ever a verse as relevant and timely and contemporary as this one? The world has not fundamentally changed and worldly thinking has not fundamentally changed. People still believe that life is found outside of God’s commandments and God’s will. Fullness of joy is found outside of his presence, not in his presence. So they are sold out to the pleasures of the flesh – primarily focused here on sexual freedom and expression. 还有没有像这一节经文一样切合时宜,富有时代气息?世界没有发生根本性的变化,世俗的思想也没有发生根本性的变化。人们仍然相信,在神的诫命和神的旨意之外,还能找到生命。完满的快乐是在祂的同在之外,而不是在祂的面前。所以他们被卖给了肉体的快乐—这里主要集中在性解放和性表达上。
I have to say that I feel so much sadness for those caught in this destructive lie. So many of my high school friends never got out of the party lifestyle. They live for the next high, the next drink, the next sexual encounter. But now it is a life of escapism. They can’t cope with responsibilities and they are in the snare of the lie that says, “satisfaction is only found in the next sin.” 我不得不说,我为那些陷入这种毁灭性谎言的人感到深深的悲哀。我的很多高中时代的朋友都没能摆脱荒宴的生活方式。他们为再来一次高潮、再来一次豪饮、再来一次艳遇而活。但现在却过着逃避现实的生活。他们无法应对生活责任,他们陷入了“只有在下一次犯罪中才能找到满足感”的谎言陷阱。
C. Surprise and Slander C. 惊奇与毁谤
4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; 4 他们见你们不再与他们同奔那纵情放荡的路,就觉得奇怪,毁谤你们。
The implication of verse four is that these believers have made a decisive break with their past. Their former friends can tell a difference – mainly because they will not join their friends in this lifestyle anymore. Unbelievers are shocked by this change of life. They let them know what they think: “they malign you.” 第四节的意思是,这些信徒已经与过去决裂了。他们以前的朋友可以看出不同的地方—主要是因为他们不会再加入他们的朋友那种生活方式。不信的人对这种生命的变化感到震惊。他们让他们知道自己的想法:“他们恶意诋毁你”。
They feel implicitly indicted and judged by the behavior of believers. You can hear it still today: “don’t judge me. You think you are better than me? How dare you? Who made you God over me?” 他们觉得信徒的行为隐含着对他们的控告和审判。今天你还能听到它:“不要论断我。你以为你比我好?你敢?谁让你来当我的上帝?”
Part of being armed with Christ-like thinking is not being surprised that they are surprised. Look at the connection between 4:4 and 4:12. 用基督式的心态武装起来的一部分,就是不惊讶于他们的惊讶。看看4:4和4:12之间的联系。
4 With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; 4 他们见你们不再与他们同奔那纵情放荡的路,就觉得奇怪,毁谤你们。
12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 12 亲爱的,有火炼的试验临到你们,不要以为奇怪,好像是遭遇非常的事。
I want to speak a word to singles here. You are perhaps assaulted with these worldly sexual expectations more than anyone else. It simply does not make sense to others that you would not join the hook up culture or the move in together culture. Many of you have experienced relational turmoil, financial difficulty, housing insecurity, porn addiction. In all of the heartaches and ups and downs, it is hard to feel that anything is stable, but rather temporary. 我想在这里对单身人士说一句话。你们也许比别人受到更多世俗的性期待的侵袭。在别人看来,你不加入勾搭文化或同居文化,根本是不可理喻的。你们中的很多人都经历过人际关系的动荡,经济上的困难,住房的不安全,色情的成瘾。在所有的心酸和波折中,很难感觉到任何事情都是稳定的,而只是暂时的。
I just want you to know that we see you and love you. We are praying for you. May the lovingkindness of the Lord shine in the shadow of our culture’s dark, unrelenting pressure. You are not defined by your relational status or sexual expression. You are defined by your relational status to your Savior. You are defined by the fact that you are joined to the One who died for your sins and defeated the grave so that you would be with forever. You are a blazing billboard for the sufficiency of Christ. 我只是想让你们知道,我们看见了你们,爱你们。我们正在为你们祷告。愿主的慈爱在我们文化的黑暗、无情压力的阴影下熠熠生辉。你不是由你的关系状态或性表达来定义的。你是由你与救主的关系位分来定义的。你的定义是,你与那位为你的罪而死,并战胜坟墓,使你永远与之同在的人结合。你是基督充足性的鲜明广告牌。
Some of you face not only the norms of our culture in terms of sexuality, but a wide range of topics in which the world often hates what Christians believe. I immediately thought of perhaps the top four most hated things under attack right now. 你们有些人面对的不仅是我们文化在性方面的规范,还有广泛的话题,其中世人往往讨厌基督徒的信仰。我立刻想到了现在也许是最遭人讨厌和攻击的四样。
These four things are really Two Pairs: Christ is the only way to heaven/all others go to hell; God made humanity male and female and designed marriage to be between one man and one woman – all sexual relationships outside of that marriage relationship are sinful. 这四件事其实是两对。基督是通往天堂的唯一道路/其他所有的人都会下地狱;上帝创造了男人和女人,并将婚姻设计为一男一女之间的关系—婚姻关系之外的所有性关系都是有罪的。
1. The Exclusivity of Christ – Jesus is the only way to be saved (Acts 4:12 – there is no other name given among men under heaven by which we must be saved). 1.基督的排他性—耶稣是唯一的得救之道(使徒行传4:12—除了他以外,别无拯救,因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救)。
2. The Doctrine of Hell – people hate the idea that God is going to punish those who did not receive Christ. 2.关于地狱的教义—人们讨厌神要惩罚那些没有接受基督的人。
3. The Doctrine of Humanity – It is a sacred truth that God created human beings in his own image and he made them biologically male or female 3.关于人的教义—这是一个神圣的真理,即上帝按照自己的形象创造了人类,并使他们在生物学上分为男性和女性。
4. The Doctrine of Marriage – It is a sacred truth that God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. Any type of sexual relationship outside of marriage is sinful. 4.关于婚姻的教义—上帝设计的婚姻是一男一女之间的,这是一个神圣的真理。任何类型的婚外性关系都是有罪的。
It will become more and more common to be ridiculed and slandered and shamed for holding these views. Peter is saying to us, “be prepared for it and don’t be caught off guard by it.” As you go back to school, you will face this cultural pressure. Be ready. Peter helps these believers to strengthen their resolve with the last two verses. 因为持有这些观点而被嘲笑、诽谤和羞辱的情况会越来越多。彼得是在对我们说:“要有准备,不要被它吓到,惊惶失措。"当你回到学校,你将面临这种文化压力。作好准备。彼得用最后两节经文帮助这些信徒加强他们的决心。
3. The Future Judgment (v. 5-6) 3. 未来的审判(5-6节)
5 but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6 For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does. 5 他们必要向那位预备要审判活人死人的主交帐。6 因此,那些死人也曾有福音传给他们,好使他们的肉体受了人要受的审判,他们的灵却靠 神活着。
These believers made a break with their pagan past and now they are being slandered and reviled. But it would be foolish to give into peer pressure to return to the pattern of this world. Their judgment cannot have the last word, just like those who reviled Christ did not have the last word. Jesus rose from the dead and will judge the living and the dead. Therefore, the judgment of their friends is not definitive; God’s judgment matters so much more. 这些信徒与过去的异教做了决裂,现在却被人诽谤和唾弃。但如果屈服于同辈的压力,回到这个世界的模式,那就太愚蠢了。他们的审判不能有最后的话语权,就像那些讨伐基督的人没有最后的话语权一样。耶稣从死里复活,要审判活人和死人。所以,他们朋友的论断不是定论,神的审判才更重要。
What terrifying words: “they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead” (v. 5). It is coming. And God is ready. But they are not. As believers, we try to help them get ready for it, even though they may hate us for it further. 这话听起来多可怕:“他们必要向那位预备要审判活人死人的主交帐”(第5节)。审判就要来了。神已经准备好了。而他们还没有。作为信徒,我们要努力帮助他们做好准备,尽管他们可能会因此而更加恨我们。
Now what about verse 6? It sounds strange, does it not? The gospel was preached even to those who are dead. And what does it mean that they were “judged in the flesh the way people are”? 现在第6节呢?这听起来很奇怪,不是吗?那些死人也曾有福音传给他们。而“他们的肉体受了人要受的审判”是什么意思?
It may be helpful to sketch some of the context for why Peter brings this issue up. How would unbelievers malign the Christian faith? The former friends of believers mocked their Christian faith by pointing out that believers and unbelievers experience death exactly the same way. They physically die. How can the Christian faith be different when people die the same way? 勾勒一下彼得为什么提出这个问题的背景可能会有帮助。不信的人会如何恶意诋毁基督教信仰?信徒以前的朋友嘲笑他们的基督教信仰,指出信徒和非信徒经历死亡的方式完全一样。他们都在肉体上死了。人的死法都一样,基督教的信仰又有什么不一样呢?
Peter wants to show the difference that the gospel makes. Peter is not saying that Christ preached the gospel in hell to people who died to give them another chance. It says the gospel was preached to them. It means the same thing as 1 Peter 1:12. 彼得要表明福音带来的不同。彼得并不是说,基督在地狱里向死了的人传福音,给他们再一次机会。而是说福音已经向他们传了。这与彼得前书1:12的意思相同。
in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you 现在,藉着传福音给你们的人……把这些事传给了你们
Judged in the flesh like people are just means that they physically died like everyone else. When Adam and Eve sinned, death entered into the world. And now everyone dies. That is the judgment for sin. But that is not the end of the story for believers. The gospel brings life: they might live in the spirit the way God does (v. 6). 像人一样在肉体上被审判,只是意味着他们身体上的死亡和其他人一样。亚当和夏娃犯罪后,死亡就进入了世界。现在人人皆有一死。这是对罪的审判。但对信徒来说,这并不是故事的结局。福音带来生命:他们的灵却靠 神活着(第6节)。
Yes, believers die just like everyone else in the sense that their physical bodies die and they are buried. But believers are also different in that they have are spiritually alive because of the gospel. This is what Paul taught as well: to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 是的,信徒的死和其他人一样,他们的肉体死了,也会被埋葬。但信徒也是不同的,他们因为福音而有了属灵的生命。这也是保罗所教导的:离开身体就是与主同在。
What is the point? Just like their slander cannot have the last word – in the same way, the last enemy, death, cannot have the last word. Just as Jesus rose from the dead so that suffering and death did not have the last word for him, it will not have the last word for us. 这有什么意义呢?就像他们的诽谤不可能有最后的发言权—同样,最后的敌人—死亡,也不可能有最后的发言权。正如耶稣从死里复活,使苦难和死亡对祂没有最后的话语权,对我们也不会有最后的话语权。
Here is a summary of the passage: 以下是对这段经文的总结:
Because Christ’s suffering was the pathway to glory, believers should adopt the same mindset and surrender to God’s will in suffering and sanctification because they know the present judgment is a prelude to glory that will come with the final judgment. 因为基督的苦难是通往荣耀的道路,所以信徒也应该采取同样的心态,在苦难和成圣中降服于神的旨意,因为他们知道现在的审判是通往荣耀的前奏,而荣耀将随着最后的审判而到来。
Conclusion: Prayer 结语:祷告
How did Jesus keep entrusting himself to the One who judges justly? Did he simply know it and thus suffer as a stoic – immovable, unflappable, just marching through life with straight line, even keel emotions? 耶稣是如何一直把自己交托给公正审判的那一位呢?难道祂只是知道这一点,所以才会像一个禁欲主义者一样受苦—不动声色,处变不惊,情绪稳定,在生活中直线行进?
That is not at all the picture we get in Scripture. Consider Hebrews 5:7 这完全不是我们在圣经中得到的画面。请想想希伯来书5:7-9
7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. 9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him 7 基督在世的时候,曾经流泪大声祷告恳求那位能救他脱离死亡的 神;因着他的敬虔,就蒙了应允。8 他虽然是儿子,还是因着所受的苦难学会了顺从。9 他既然顺从到底(“他既然顺从到底” 或译:“他既然达到完全”),就成了所有顺从他的人得到永远救恩的根源;
Jesus went through the ringer. He lived in a constant pressure cooker. How did he survive? Prayer. 耶稣经历了重重考验。祂一直生活在高压锅里。祂是怎么挺过来的?祷告。
What did he do: “He offered up prayers and supplications.” 祂做了什么:“祷告恳求。”
How did he do it: “with loud cries and tears” 祂怎么做:“流泪大声”
To whom: “to him who was able to save him from death” 向谁:“那位能救他脱离死亡的 神”
What happened: “he was heard because of his reverence.” 结果如何:“因着他的敬虔,就蒙了应允。”
What does reverence mean: obedience! 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. 敬虔是什么意思:顺从!8 他虽然是儿子,还是因着所受的苦难学会了顺从。
That is our Savior! Now look at how we benefit from his perfect righteousness and reverence. 这就是我们的救主!现在看看我们如何从祂完美的公义和敬虔中获益。
How can we pray in a way that connects to that life? 我们该如何祈祷以联接那种生命呢?
9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him 9 他既然顺从到底(“他既然顺从到底” 或译:“他既然达到完全”),就成了所有顺从他的人得到永远救恩的根源;
First, rest in Christ. Do not have performance anxiety in suffering. 首先,在基督里安息。在苦难中不要慌场。
We do not need to be perfect in suffering because he was (being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation). We are not saved by our suffering as if we are always looking to God with performance anxiety: “am I doing it well enough?” You are out there fighting and struggling and wrestling and you need to run to the strong tower. When you are there, you can just crash there – rest in Christ. He obeyed perfectly for you. He suffered perfectly for you. Rest there. 我们不需要在苦难中成为完美的人,因为祂才是完美的(达到完全,成了永恒救赎的根源)。我们并不是因为苦难而得救,就好像我们总是带着演出焦虑去看神一样:“我表现得够好吗?”你本来在外面战斗、挣扎、摔跤,你需要跑到坚固堡垒中去。当你在那里面的时候,你就可以倒头大睡—在基督里安息。祂已经为你完美地服从了。祂已经为你完美地承受了苦难。就在那里安息吧。
Second, as you rest in the fellowship of his sufferings, learn from him and resolve to obey him. Follow him. Let his resolve wash over you and change you. It does not just say the “source of eternal salvation to all who” receive him – no – “to all who obey him” (Heb. 5:9). 其次,当你安息于祂的患难之交时,要向祂学习,决心顺从祂。跟随祂。让祂的决心冲刷你,改变你。它并不是说“将永恒救恩的根源”赐给所有接受祂的人— 不—而是赐给“所有顺从祂的人”(希伯来书5:9)。
Third, trust the Father in your suffering. He is refining you and making you more like Jesus. The refining fires are hot. They hurt. But they do not last forever and God is at work for your good in them. You must see that God is making you like Jesus the same way he made Jesus like Jesus: suffering becomes like a school where we learn obedience. 第三,在你的苦难中信靠天父。祂正在精炼你,使你更像耶稣。精炼的火候很热。会很疼。但它们不会永远持续下去,神在其中为你的益处而工作。你必须看到,上帝让你像耶稣一样,就像祂让耶稣像耶稣一样:苦难就像一所学校,我们在这里学习顺服。
Fourth, pray like Christ. Lament. Pray with loud cries. There will be tears and heartache and perplexity. Give it all to him. 第四,像基督一样祷告。哀歌。大声流泪祷告。会有泪水,会有心痛,会有迷茫。把这一切都交给祂。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: Armed in Suffering for the Sake of Sanctification 标题:为成圣的缘故,在苦难中装备自己
Text: 1 Peter 4:1-6 经文:彼得前书4:1-6
Main Point: 要点:
We must meditate upon Christ’s suffering and then arm ourselves with the same way of thinking. 我们必须默想基督的苦难,然后用同样的思维方式武装自己。
Summary of the Passage 这段经文的总结:
Because Christ’s suffering was the pathway to glory (v. 1a), believers should adopt the same mindset and surrender to God’s will in suffering and sanctification (v. 1b-2) because they know the present judgment (v. 3-4) is a prelude to glory that will come with the final judgment (v. 5-6). 因为基督的苦难是通往荣耀的道路(第1节),所以信徒也应该采取同样的心态,在苦难和成圣中降服于神的旨意(第1b-2节),因为他们知道现在的审判(第3-4节)是通往荣耀的前奏,而荣耀将随着最后的审判而到来(第5-6节)。
Outline 纲要
1. Resolve to Suffer, not Sin (1-2) 1.决心受苦,决不犯罪(1-2节)
2. The Present Judgment (v. 3-4) 2.现在的审判(3-4节)
3. The Future Judgment (v. 5-6) 3.未来的审判(5-6节)
General Questions 一般性问题
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 1. 你对讲道的初步反应是什么?在讲道时或讲道后,圣灵在你心中做了什么?是否有了新的感悟?想到什么问题了吗?你觉得哪些地方让你信服,哪些地方对你有帮助,哪些地方让你大开眼界,哪些地方让你烦恼?请解释。
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? 2. 讲道中的哪一点让你感到最大的喜悦或为罪沉痛?你看到了什么,品味了什么,让你觉得需要和别人分享?
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. Why does Peter connect Jesus’ suffering with our suffering? What does it mean to be armed by a way of thinking? 1.为什么彼得把耶稣的苦难和我们的苦难联系起来?什么叫用思维方式武装自己?
2. What is the link between suffering and sanctification/obedience in verse 2? 2. 在第2节中,苦难与成圣/顺服之间有什么联系?
3. In verses 3-4, why do unbelievers malign or criticize believers? 3. 在3-4节中,为什么不信的人要恶意毁谤或批评信徒?
4. Why does Peter say that the gospel was preached to the dead? What does it mean and how does it make sense in the context of how unbelievers malign Christianity? 4. 为什么彼得说福音传给了死人?这是什么意思?如何在不信者恶意诋毁基督教的背景下来理解?
5. Why can’t the present judgment believers experience be the last word? 5. 为什么信徒所经历的现在的审判不可能是最后的审判?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. Has Peter helped prepare you for suffering in this passage? Do you feel ready? Why or why not? 1.在这段经文中,彼得有没有帮助你作好受苦的准备?你觉得准备好了吗?为什么是,或为什么不是?
2. In what ways are you experiencing or have you already experienced the criticism of unbelievers because of the way you think and live as a Christian? Are you being criticized for any of the top four Christian convictions under assault right now? 2. 由于你作为基督徒的思想和生活方式,你正在或已经在哪些方面经历了非信徒的批评?你现在是否因为基督教中四个倍受攻击的信念中的任何一个而受到批评?
3. What truths landed upon you in this message that you need to ask others to pray for you about? 3. 在这个信息中,有哪些真理触动到你,你需要请别人为你祷告?
4. What truths landed on you that you need to share with others in your life? How can you share these truths? 4. 在这个信息中,有哪些真理触动到你,让你觉得需要在生活中与他人分享?如何分享这些真理?
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace that we would be prepared for suffering and would live for God, not sin or comfort. 祷告焦点:求主赐恩,让我们为苦难做好准备,为神而活,而不是为罪和舒适而活。


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