Chapter 2: Happiness Is a Proble

Chapter 2: Happiness Is a Proble

作者: carmenmj | 来源:发表于2018-01-19 00:21 被阅读0次
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson


Q1: Why “happiness is a problem?

Because happiness is not a solvable equation. Dissatisfaction and unease are inherent parts of human nature and, as we’ll see, necessary components to creating consistent happiness.

Q2: Why the author invented “Disappointment Panda”? What is it for?

The author invented "Disappointment Panda" to fashion out a image to tell people harsh truths about themselves that they needed to hear but didn’t want to accept.

Q3:  What is the role that emotions play in our life? why they are overrated?

Emotions are part of the equation of our lives, but not the entire equation.They are merely signposts, suggestions that our neurobiology gives us, not commandments. Therefore, we shouldn’t always trust our own emotions.

Q4: Why you don’t have chiseled abs? (If you do have, how did you make it?)

I didn't focusing on my heath and body curve , so when I go to the shopping mall, I was really admire some people for their figure. Now I decided and insist  upon taking exercise more than 4 weeks. I hope that I have chiseled abs one day in the future.

PART 2 My ideas

Happiness comes from solving problems.

I used to think that happiness is to do cheerful things, such as watching a movie, not going to school, and buying what you want to buy. But the author of the book tells us that happiness comes from solving problems, which is refuting with my theory, it seems like this is true. When I work out a difficult math problem and find puzzled grammar points in English grammar books, I will feel more fulfilled and more satisfied than things that seem to be very happy.

PART 3 Expression

the prince snuck out of the palace to see what was beyond its walls.


同义词:sneak out,sliep away

Then he’d tell the homeowner to have a nice day and saunter on down to the next house.

“漫步在...” ”闲逛”的意思:to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud,还可以连接别的介词:saunter along/saunter around

类似表达还有stroll down/over

In our walk along the moor: you told me to ramble where I pleased, while you sauntered on with Mr Heathcliff!"。  —《呼啸山庄》

You may salivate at the thought of a problem-free life full of everlasting happiness and eternal compassion, but back here on earth the problems never cease.

salivate:1. to produce more saliva in your mouth than usual, especially because you see or smell food

            2. to look at or show interest in something or someone in a way that shows you like or want them very much – used to show disapproval

To salivate is to drool, or to produce saliva. People also figuratively salivate over things they desire. 表示“流口水” “使流淌”

类似的词有:drool over,表示“流口水” “痴迷地看;迷恋地看”

And this is what’s so dangerous about a society that coddles itself more and more from the inevitable discomforts of life

通常只知道是“文火煮蛋:cook egg gently”的意思,但还有一层意思是“to protect someone or something too much;be overprotective of somebody”

e.g. The steel industry is coddled by trade protection and massive subsidies.

While it is okay for parents to coddle, spoil, or pamper a young child, it’s a little unnerving when parents coddle, or pamper adult children. And downright weird when adult children wear Pampers.

We had margaritas, and he told me all about it

margaritas 在文中出现了两次以上。是一种酒(由墨西哥龙舌兰酒、酸橙汁以及橙味酒混合调制而成)玛格丽塔酒

and then getting showered and changed for work so you don’t stink up the whole office.

stink up: to give something a very strong and unpleasant smell

e.g. 1. The smell of rotting potatoes stank the whole place up.

      2. This fucken thing is going to stink up my car, man.”

          -----Literature(Jun 02, 2014)


smell up, stink out



      本文标题:Chapter 2: Happiness Is a Proble
