

作者: 陈加新 | 来源:发表于2014-09-01 20:59 被阅读99次
  1. 我有必要分享这个吗?它可以给我和他人的生活带来价值吗?

  2. 我可以迟一些分享这个体验而专注于体验这个体验吗?

  3. 我是在求证吗?我可以通过其他方法自己去求证吗?

  4. 我是在逃避现实从而在社交网络上发表言论自欺欺人吗?

  5. 我是因为无聊吗?我有去做可以「经营我的生活,并让自己更有目的性」的事情吗?

  6. 我是感到孤独吗?我有为「有意义的交流、接触」去创造机遇吗?

  7. 我是害怕错过吗?逃避现实所获得的满足感是否等价我当下所失去的东西呢?

  8. 我是在自欺欺人,迎合主流吗?我可以放手昨日、迎接当下吗?

  9. 我可以静心面对时间,而不是刻意寻找东西去填满它吗?



Social media teaches us to take a reactive stance. Just log onto Twitter or Facebook and the information streams in incessantly. You could spend your entire lifetime (and then some) just replying to other peoples’ updates. But if we want social media to truly serve us, we need to start taking a more mindful approach to how we use it.

In our new 99U book, Tiny Buddha’s Lori Deschene offers up a handful of hard-hitting questions we should all be asking ourselves:

  1. Is it necessary to share this? Will it add value to my life and for other people?
  1. Can I share this experience later so I can focus on living it now?
  1. Am I looking for validation? Is there something I could do to validate myself?
  1. Am I avoiding something I need to do instead of addressing why I don’t want to do it?
  1. Am I feeling bored? Is there something else I could do to feel more purposeful and engaged in my day?
  1. Am I feeling lonely? Have I created opportunities for meaningful connection in my day?
  1. Am I afraid of missing out? Is the gratification of giving in to that fear worth missing out on what’s in front of me?
  1. Am I overwhelming myself, trying to catchup? Can I let go of yesterday’s conversation and join today’s instead?
  1. Can I use this time to simply be instead of looking for something to do to fill it?


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