之前公司包括现在一直都是在用svn ,使用git有些困难但是还有有教程,还有就是之前也没怎么上传过项目到GItHub上面,第一次上传的给大家推荐一片文章Android快速实现上传项目到Github 讲述的相当的详细,但是我还是遇到了坑 ,我说一下吧主要有
一、Can't finish GitHub sharing process
Successfully created project 'Demo' on GitHub, but initial commit failed:
*** Please tell me who you are.Run git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" to set your account's default identity.Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.fatal: empty ident name (for (null)>) not allowed during executing git -c core.quotepath=false commit -m "Initial commit" --
这个大概意思是git没有配置用户邮箱 所以我们找到git安装的地方,然后点击
点击我标出的位置然后弹出对话框 然后输入一下内容并且运行(把汉字换成你对应的账户和用户名就可以了,引号还得带着)
git config --global user.email"你的邮箱"
git config --global user.name"你的用户名"
二、usage: git remote add [ ] -f, --fetch fetch the remote branches --tags import all tags and associated objects when fetching or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags) -t, --track branch(es) to track -m, --master master branch --mirror[= ] set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from during executing git "D:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" -c core.quotepath=false remote add ""
然后参考这篇文章吧 问题解决