"The hold" - How to comfort a cr

"The hold" - How to comfort a cr

作者: 宣雄民 | 来源:发表于2021-07-25 23:23 被阅读0次

    It is argued that when a baby is crying severely, they are most likely starving which is common sense held by many young parents, even for the elderly. In fact, a baby cries for various reasons, and how to determine the true reason behind it, as well as to calm the outcrying infant becomes the most concerning aspect for parents and people around the lovely child.
    有人认为,当婴儿哭得厉害时,他们很可能是在挨饿,这是许多年轻父母甚至老年人的常识。 事实上,宝宝哭闹的原因是多种多样的,而如何确定其背后的真正原因,以及如何安抚哭闹的宝宝,就成了父母和身边人最关心的问题。

    To commence with, we will have to examine the source of a baby crying, when the little infant is weeping. One effective method is to listen to the sound attentively since babies often cry differently for different reasons. According to Priscilla Dunstan, an Australian opera singer who created Dunstan Baby Language, "the sounds a baby makes just before they cry can help us determine what they are trying to communicate. Neh – hunger, Eh – upper wind (burp), Eairh – lower wind (gas), Heh – discomfort (hot, cold, wet), and Owh – sleepiness." Thus, we can determine the reason for an outcrying baby by matching the sound type.
    首先,当小婴儿哭泣时,我们必须检查婴儿哭泣的来源。 一种有效的方法是专心聆听声音,因为婴儿的哭声往往因不同原因而异。 根据创造邓斯坦婴儿语言的澳大利亚歌剧歌手普莉希拉·邓斯坦 (Priscilla Dunstan) 的说法,“婴儿在哭泣前发出的声音可以帮助我们确定他们想要传达的内容。Neh——饥饿,Eh——上风(打嗝),Eairh—— 较低的风(气),Heh – 不适(热、冷、湿),以及 Owh – 困倦。” 因此,我们可以通过匹配声音类型来确定婴儿哭闹的原因

    Furthermore, once we have decided on the crying type, irrespective of the reasons, a valid method that will stop the baby from crying shall be performed. There are various means of comforting and preventing a crying baby. One feasible solution is by using the technique which has been invented by Dr. Robert C. Hamilton - "The hold". It consists of 4 simple steps. In the first step, the arms folded across the chest. Next, the arms are gently secured, following that, the baby's diaper area is then grasped before the last step, which is rocking the infant at an angle of 45 degrees. In a media interview, Dr. Hamilton said that his technique is optimal for children between the first 2 and 3 months of life. The objective of the technique is to attempt recreating an intrauterine feeling. This gives the baby a sense of security and calms him or her.
    此外,一旦我们决定了哭闹的类型,无论是什么原因,都应该采取有效的方法来阻止婴儿哭闹。 有多种方法可以安慰和防止婴儿哭闹。 一种可行的解决方法是使用罗伯特·C·汉密尔顿博士发明的技术——“保持”。 它由 4 个简单的步骤组成。 第一步,双臂交叉在胸前。 接下来,轻轻固定手臂,然后在最后一步之前抓住婴儿的尿布区域,以 45 度角摇晃婴儿。 在一次媒体采访中,汉密尔顿博士说他的技术最适合出生后头 2 至 3 个月的儿童。 该技术的目的是尝试重建宫内感觉。 这会给宝宝一种安全感,让他或她平静下来。

    In summary, baby caring is one complex task that often yields many troubles, especially for new parents, and there exist miscellaneous causes. We can find the reason for the baby's outcrying by listening to the sound and turn them into tranquility.
    综上所述,照顾婴儿是一项复杂的工作,往往会产生许多麻烦,尤其是对于新手父母而言,并且存在各种各样的原因。 我们可以通过听声音找到宝宝哭闹的原因,并让它们安静下来。



          本文标题:"The hold" - How to comfort a cr
