chanting结束冲出去,毫不留恋,希望move on,也很享受每一刻,也期待下一刻。
之间和巴西帅哥聊天,他一副平淡无奇说一切都要结束啦,谈到每天时间飞快只是asana不能满足他,我深有同感,其实需要的无外乎就是每天都有学习,人生一直学习未尝不可Brazilian handsome guy confused with local Indian, professor for philosophy and seems with girl friend. I run away but so open these days my god.
Nothing to worry harmoni black and White sad and happy together to make a music otherwise boring.
Honesty sincerity no compromise, it is last message of this season from Lakshimi
Avind learning:
Knowledge alone will liberate; knowing the truth, truth will set u free
We do not lack experience, lack of understanding of our experience. knowledge is not liberation unless they are unshakable. The world is like a dreamer with consciousness walking around.
one stage we will have enlightened ego; another stage all itches gone!
yoga is ashtanga otherwise it is NOT.
when our rajas rising we are alert but not guilty for it.
there is everything in garage but space for a car, there is time spent on others but not ourselves.
A swami in himalaya wishes his father "happy birthday!" either he is doing the social plays or just fake.
Self will not be tired, only mind is; like sun is not tired.
Eggitarian, we compromise in social conditions why we worry how others view us not how animal feels.
not yogi, but asagi, ekamgi, doing asanas only.
课后Sarah lunch, nice sandwich and smoothie, talking about stress or not, will we come back, TM mediation with jayashree, German couple miss the dog the way they talk I thought it is their daughter.
Got musk, chinese stress out, St. what to do, Chen on tickets etc.
提到一个当地授权老师rakesh lakshmipuram,说到不允许workshop,teacher training,但所有人都如此,结果不一样。
The first verse is part of a longer poem called the Yoga Taravalli written by Adi Sankara, and is said to be one of Krishnamacharya's favorites. The second verse is part of the Patanjali Invocation, which is often chanted before chanting the Yoga Sutras.
关于历史上著名的商羯罗大师的传记保存下来的至今多为传说、神话这类。商羯罗(Adi Sankaracharya)公元788年出生。他是天才神童,2岁已经识字阅读,3岁能够背诵整部《吠陀》、《往事书》。4岁开始在古鲁家学习吠陀和吠谭陀哲学。在七岁时他完成了学业而毕业。之后他回到母亲家修行禅修等等,因为展现出神变而开始为众人知晓。当时的克勒拉国王曾经邀请商羯罗到王宫中,请求商羯罗给予瑜伽的传授。他给予国外戒律、居家、瑜伽的指导。15岁时,商羯罗接受到预言,说他的世寿为32岁。于是他发愿将自己奉献给湿婆神,将母亲托付给亲戚后,而离开家庭成为一云游僧人。在纳尔巴达的山洞中他与高文达相遇,在指导下获得不二论的真传和领悟。他很快在此禅修获得成就,并展现出巨大的神通力。此后在高文达预言下,以乞讨者的形象前往贝拿勒斯接受湿婆神的祝福,并在那里他相遇他的朋友和弟子。在贝拿勒斯他开始了他对于印度经典的注释和复兴,包括奥义书、世尊歌等的注释。然后他云游辩论,之后他在印度森林修行瑜伽等。之后他返回母亲家中,为母亲送葬。然后云游各地禅修和传播吠谭陀不二哲学,并撰写著作以击败其它宗派。后来他前往克什米尔神庙中接受萨克提(Shakti)女神的祝福。他的十二门徒按照他的授记分成十二支传授吠谭陀不二哲学和相关禅修。
商羯罗大师是一个很有创造性的哲学家,同时又是一个卓越的解释学家,他还是宗教上的一个重要的指导者。他的教派在印度知识界中有很稳定的地位,他的思想是印度现代思想潮流的源泉。在印度,甚至在世界思想史上商羯罗大师都称得上是一位伟大的人物。商羯罗大师的理论属于传统的印度古哲学,力图恢复并弘扬着印度古奥义书精神。作为一位伟大的思想家,他奉献出无与伦比的能力,致力于说服佛教徒接受《韦陀经》。商羯罗大师在印度被认为是湿婆神的化身,据说他的使命就是要把无神论的佛教逐出印度,重新建立印度古韦陀经的权威性。在他的有生之年,他的确做到了这点。商羯罗大师死时很年轻,约32岁时死在喜马拉雅山的基达那特。在仅仅三十二年的生命中,商羯罗大师把佛教逐出了印度。商羯罗大师著有大量的宗教哲学著作,至少有300部以上,他著有《梵经注》,又对10部主要的奥义书作了注,有《广森林奥义》、《歌者奥义》、《他氏奥义》、《鹧鸪氏奥义》、《由谁奥义》、《伊莎奥义》、《石氏奥义》、《 顶奥义》、《疑问奥义》、《蛙氏奥义》,还有一部《白骡奥义注》。商羯罗还注有《薄伽梵歌》,著有经典《我之觉知》(ATMA BODHA)、喜悦之流(Anandalahari)和美之波流( Saundaryalahari)、《示教千则》(国内已有翻译)
federer and Djokovic game, latter won, Avind is sad.
when writing a book in India u start with a prayer to guru or isvara by getting bodhi
samsara and Samskara difference:
samsara is the ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth endured by human beings and all other mortal beings, and from which release is obtained by achieving the highest enlightenment.
There are two types of impressions through which karma is applied in our reality:
Phala – karma has an immediate impact. It is the result of an action that is expressed immediately, or sometime during the life of the doer, whether overtly or covertly.
Samskara – karma has a hidden influence. It is expressed internally in the life of the doer, influencing his behavior and his degree of happiness (in the current life and in certain schools even in future incarnations). Samskara is often the focus of discussion in Eastern philosophy. Karma sows tendencies (vasna) in the individual’s life, which affect their behavior as well as their vision of themselves and the world, thus dictating their experience of life.
If we want to see how wrong this chanting listening to Madonna, which I did, not nice. I think either me or him confused with Woody in Cheers, I thought he is talking about woody allen, but he might mean woody name in the movie.
I salute to the guru feet of lotus: lotus is special as out of water and mud without it completely, also the only flower who controls its own temperature, like buddha. Open to sun and close in eve which symbols love knowledge. Any God can sit on lotus.
isvara transfer knowledge to rishis, who are seers of veda, parampara; The guru–shishya tradition, or parampara ("lineage"), denotes a succession of teachers and disciples in traditional Vedic culture and religions. No need improvement and best u can do is to pass on. Guru has to have guru!
Freedom is what we really want, even we earn money to get freedom, it is best muksa, Bungle in the jungle,
a drunk guy met his friend from HK, at home to ask friend to send him home since he is too drunk, so have to go around his house a few times then send him back, it is like us: we are water, not wave, not ocean.
I am asking why Kobe died then, Avind spend 10 Mts talking about illusion of our living, we are consciousness etc. we take it wrong to think dualism. Well I hope this makes us feel better that good person died early.