- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
- [!] Unable to find a pod with na
Mac 系统更新至 Big sur, 重装 pod 后出现如题的报错
- https://juejin.cn/post/6844904153139904520
- https://www.cnblogs.com/shuilangyizu/p/10935728.html
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40581352/unable-to-find-a-pod-with-name-author-summary-or-description-matching-xxx
- 首先尝试找到 cocoapods 的安装路径,用户目录下执行 ls -a,并没有找到./cocoapods 目录 image.png
- 试试 pod 命令,发现没有异常,只是 pod search 报错 image.png
- 搜索 Mac big sur Cocoapods 相关词条,找到https://www.jianshu.com/p/377fabd06f9e,根据文中指示,重新下载了 CommandLineTools ,并指定为默认工具
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
- 随后想到曲线救国,进入一个Xcode 工程目录,执行 pod init,并随意 pod 一个第三方库,如:
vim Podfile
// 在 Podfile 中加入以下引用
pod 'SnapKit'
- 执行
pod install
- 出现如下报错 image.png
- 根据报错提示,用户路径下出现了 ./cocoapods 目录,说明事情有了转机,我们根据提示添加 trunk 仓库:
pod repo add-cdn trunk https://cdn.cocoapods.org/
- 此时再运行 pod search SnipKit,终于出现想看的结果,问题解决! image.png