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mac报错zsh: command not found: rvm

mac报错zsh: command not found: rvm

作者: anny_4243 | 来源:发表于2023-07-17 14:07 被阅读0次



git clone https://github.com/rvm/rvm.git

~ % git clone https://github.com/rvm/rvm.git
Cloning into 'rvm'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 60601, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (916/916), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (389/389), done.
remote: Total 60601 (delta 597), reused 751 (delta 480), pack-reused 59685
Receiving objects: 100% (60601/60601), 21.53 MiB | 735.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (39218/39218), done.


打开 Users/用户名/rvm/bin 文件夹,双击rvm-installer

Last login: Tue Jul 18 11:29:43 on ttys003
/Users/xx/rvm/binscripts/rvm-installer ; exit;                                  
~ % /Users/xx/rvm/binscripts/rvm-installer ; exit;
Downloading https://github.com/rvm/rvm/archive/master.tar.gz
Upgrading the RVM installation in /Users/xx/.rvm/
    RVM PATH line found in /Users/xx/.mkshrc /Users/xx/.profile /Users/xx/.bashrc /Users/xx/.zshrc.
    RVM sourcing line found in /Users/xx/.profile /Users/xx/.bash_profile /Users/xx/.zlogin.
Upgrade of RVM in /Users/xx/.rvm/ is complete.

Thanks for installing RVM 🙏
Please consider donating to our open collective to help us maintain RVM.

👉  Donate: https://opencollective.com/rvm/donate

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...



source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

~ % source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
~ % rvm -v
rvm 1.29.12-next (master) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io]



    本文标题:mac报错zsh: command not found: rvm
