

作者: 克克克阿 | 来源:发表于2022-02-28 17:05 被阅读0次

    1. an arduous process 是个很艰苦的过程,form the basis of sth 为…打下基础,use lateral thinking / rely on linear thining 发散思维 / 线性思维,break the mould 打破常规

    2. well-rounded 多才全面的,repress individuality 压制个性,have a healthy/positive outlook on life 有健康/积极的人生态度,well-adjusted adults 可塑性的人,unruly students 难管的学生

    3. (act up 捣乱),indiscipline 不守纪律,be geared to sth 与...符合一致,the responsibility (for sth) rests with sb 某人承担责任,kindle one's interest in sth 点燃某人...兴趣

    4. a happy medium 折中方案,take sb under one's wing 悉心庇护,brain drain 人才流失,occupational disease/hazard 职业病、风险,backbreaking/laborious tasks 艰辛的任务,

    5. an eager beaver 工作狂,feel out of one's element 对(环境)感到不适,be attuned to 完全适应...,divert one's  attention from 转移某人...注意力,tied up at work 工作缠身

    6. a cushy job 轻松的工作,build a close rapport between 建立融洽关系,an upright citizen 正直公民,set the benchmark for sth 成为...领域的标杆,sb‘s legacy lives on 影响犹在,sb has a large following 从之者众多

    7. a go-getter 志在必得之人,a consummate actor 技艺高超的演员,people from all walks of life 各行各业与经历的人,go from rags to riches 从贫变富,inch along 缓慢前进

    8. be out of bounds to sb 不得进入,jam-packed 拥挤不堪的,reckless driving 鲁莽驾驶,twists and turns 复杂曲折,a free-for-all 混乱局面,go over the speed limit 超速

    9. TV dinner 方便食品,a wholesome diet 健康饮食,dietary habits 饮食习惯,pop-up advertising windows 广告弹窗,arouse one's desire to do 激起某人做某事的冲动,

    10. well-worn themes / hackney subjects 用烂的题材,court media publicity 争取讨好性吸引媒体关注,blow sth out of proportion 夸大其词,misrepresent sth 歪曲,

    11. be shrouded in secrecy 覆于秘密之下,break new ground 开辟新领域,welcome sth with open arms 热情欢迎,a hard-won discovery 难得的发现

    12. identify theft 盗用身份,set priorities for sth 优先,some scientific evidence has emerged to the contrary 研究证明其错误,

    13. gregarious and outgoing 合群外向的,a kindred spirit 志趣相同的人,a fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友,joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐,compete on a level playing field 公平竞争

    14. have a yearning for sth 渴望得到,have a strong aversion to sb/sth 反感某人、物,detest sb 憎恶,have one's heart set on sth 渴望,waver between...and... 犹豫不决,

    15. bear fruit 产生成果,exert oneself 尽力,apply oneself (to sth) 尽最大努力,come to fruition 得到实现,fall by the wayside 中缀、失败落空,

    16. the only fly in the ointment 煞风景的事物,cut both ways 有利有弊,a multisensory experience 多感官体验,levy a tax on... 征税,penny-wise and pound-foolish 图小利吃大亏

    17. tighten one's belt 勒紧裤腰带节流,do sth on a shoe string 花少钱做某事,beyong one's means 超过某人消费力,covet sth 很希望得到,

    18. musically-inclined 有音乐天赋的,blaring music 响燥的音乐,be steeped in 沉浸于,pop chart 流行歌曲榜,a flash in the pan 昙花一现,a smash hit 极大的成功,

    19. peak/high season 旺季,slack/low season 淡季,eliminate preconceptions 消除成见,confirm one's prejudices 增强了偏见,deepen mutual understanding 加深相互了解,

    20. incur additional costs 导致更多支出,venture off the beaten path 到人际罕aid至地方旅行,travel light 轻装便行,strenuous sports 耗力的运动,evenly-matched 实力相近的,

    21. a cliffhanger 有悬念的比赛,have the knack of doing sth 有…的技艺,know sth inside out / know sth backwards 透彻了解某物,out of one's depth 超出能力范围,

    22. a testing ground for ...的试验场,uphold an ordered society 维持社会稳定,discipline action 惩戒措施,aid and abet sb 帮助或教唆,fall victim to sth 成为…的受害者,

    23. stand trial 受审,repeat offender 屡犯者,rehabilitate prisoners 改造囚犯,pickpocket 扒手,stamp out sth 根除某种负面影响

    24. an exercise regimen 健身计划,as fit as a fiddle 很健康,be unorthodox 有违传统的,social mores /mɔːreɪz/ 社会准则,a bonding mechanism 增强凝聚力的因素,

    25. make a comeback 东山再起,a close-knit community 紧密联系的社区,a sense of alienation 疏离感,be a showcase for 是展示…的橱窗

    26. light and airy 阳光充足通风好,a blot on the landscape 破坏市容的污点(建筑),go overboard (with ..)过于投入了,let sb's hair down (交际场所)彻底放松

    27. feel inhibit 感到拘束,find a niche for oneself 找到适合做的事,play a regulatory role 发挥监管者的作用,regulate and oversee 监督管理,translate sth into action 转化为行动

    28. take draconian/stringent measures to do 采取严厉措施做,to counteract sth 应对抵消某事,countermeasures 对策,have a monopoly over sth 垄断,insurance premium 保险费

    29. a chronic/enduring problem 长期持续的问题,groundwater 地下水,seawater desalination 海水淡化,upset the ecosystem 扰乱生态,ecological degradation 生态恶化

    30. facilitate / inhibit/arrest the development of 促进/ 阻碍事物发展,forge ahead 高速发展,shift emphasis /attention /focus from... to ... 转移重点、焦点到…上,ripple effect / chain reaction 连锁反应,

    31. the influx of …的大量涌入,sth has urshed in ... 某事物带来了…(新事物新局面...),not etched/carved /set in stone 不是一成不变的,empty-nest syndrome 空巢综合征,

    32. gender prejudice 性别偏见,stumbling block 障碍,take precautions against sth 采取预防,the end justifies the means 目的是正当的就接受所有方法,well-intentioned 好意的

    33. a necessary evil 不得不做的事(有负面影响),the lesser of the two evils 两项相权取其轻的,in inverse proportion to ... 成反比,in proportion to ... 成正比



