文档 | 建议 | 备注 |
Hadoop Cluster Setup | 没有提及 | N/A |
How To Set Up a Hadoop 3.2.1 Multi-Node Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 (2 Nodes) | /usr/local | N/A |
Hadoop海量数据处理 | /opt | 2.3 安装Hadoop |
大数据Hadoop 3.X分布式处理实战 | /usr/local | 11.1 Hadoop集群安装 |
HBase不睡觉书 | /usr/local | 2.5 安装HBase |
/usr/local | /opt | |
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard | /usr/local is "for use by the system administrator when installing software locally" | /opt is for "the installation of add-on application software packages" |
What is the difference between /opt and /usr/local? | /usr/local is a place to install files built by the administrator, typically by using the make command (e.g., ./configure; make; make install) | /opt is a directory for installing unbundled packages (i.e. packages not part of the Operating System distribution, but provided by an independent source), each one in its own subdirectory |
The basic difference is that /usr/local is for software not managed by the system packager, but still following the standard unix deployment rules | /opt on the other hand is for software that doesn't follow this and is deployed in a monolithic fashion. This usually includes commercial and/or cross-platform software that is packaged in the "Windows" style | |
Linux 软件安装到 /usr,/usr/local/ 还是 /opt 目录区别 | 可以理解为C:/Program Files/ | 可以理解为D:/Software |