2019-02-18 82 transferable
静美的秋 | 来源:发表于
2019-02-18 15:48 被阅读0次
1. 这是个什么词?
英英释义:able to be transferred or made over to another field
例句:Communication skills are highly transferable.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“transferable”是形容词,意思是“可用于其他工作的、通用于多领域的”,是一个灵活、地道的词。transferable 常用来形容一类知识或技能,表明它们可以被应用在其它的领域,用英文解释 transferable skills 可以说成:
Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life: socially, professionally and at school.
我们经常说很多工作都需要很强的沟通能力,也就是说沟通技巧的普适性强,可以用在各种工作中,这时候就可以用到 transferable:
Communication skills are highly transferable. If you are a great communicator, you can easily take your skills from one job to another.
Mathematics is one of the most fundamental disciplines. Whether you want to be an engineer, a banker, or a computer scientist, you had better learn it well, because it's transferable.
《经济学人》在一篇关于各国成年人的技能差异的文章中有这么一段话,里面用到了 transferable skills:
Mr Giesen, who previously taught in a Berufsschule (vocational school), thinks one reason may be a gap between what vocational students learn at school and what they are expected to do in the workplace. Such schools are being encouraged to work more closely with businesses and teach more transferable skills.
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: 很多雇主常常会找那些能够展示出通用技能的人。
(参考翻译:Many employers often look for people who can demonstrate a good set of transferable skills. ) 2)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达。先简要描述这个场景,再造句。 例子: 场景 :
本文标题:2019-02-18 82 transferable