

作者: 微凉_Elena | 来源:发表于2019-04-22 00:12 被阅读1次

    'well-what's so important about that?'


    'When they'd been separated for ten years,' said Mr Brownlow, 'your father met another family. There were two daughters, one nineteen years old and the other only two or three. Your father became engaged to the older daughter. At this point one of his rich relations died and left him a lot of money in his will. Your father had to travel to Italy to receive his inheritance, and while there, he became ill and died. Your mother, who was living with you in Paris. immediately rushed to Italy when she heard the news. As your father had made no will of his own, all the relation's money came to you and her.'



    Monks listened with close attention, biting his lip and staring at the floor.


    'Before your father went to receive that money, he came to see me', continued Mr Brownlow slowly, his eyes fixed on Monk's face.


    'I never heard that before', said Monks, looking up suddenly, a suspicious expression on his face.


    'He left me a picture of the poor girl he wanted to marry. He talked wildly about shame and guilt, and how he would give part of the money he'd inherited to his wife and to you, and use the rest to escape from England with the girl he loved. He refused to tell me any more details.'


    Monks breathed more easily, and even smiled.


    'But,' said Mr Brownlow, pulling his chair nearer to the other man, 'by chance I was able to rescue your brother Oliver from a life of misery and-'


    'What!' cried Monks.


    Mr Brownlow continued without a pause. 'And when he was recovering from his sickness here in my house, I noticed how similar he looked to the girls face in the picture. But he was taken away before I could discover his history-as you know very well.'


    'You can't prove anything!' said Monks.


    'I can. I heard that you were in the West Indies. I went there to try and find you to see if you knew anything about Oliver, but you'd already left. I returned to London, and was unable to find you until two hours ago.'


    'And now what? You can't prove that Oliver's my brother.' Monks smiled unpleasantly.


    'I couldn't before' said Mr Brownlow standing up. 'But now I can. There was a will, but your mother destroyed it. This will mentioned a child that would be born later; this was Oliver, the child you met later by accident. You noticed his resemblance to your father and you became suspicious. You then went back to his birthplace, found proof of his birth and the fact that he's your half-brother, and destroyed that proof.'


    Monks sat in silence, his eyes filled with fear.


    'Yes,' continued Mr Brownlow fiercely, 'shadows on the wall have caught your whispers with Fagin, and brought them to my ear. For the sake of that innocent child, whom you wanted to destroy. And now murder has been done, and you are as guilty of that as if you had struck the blow yourself.'


    'No, no,' said Monks quickly. 'I knew nothing of that. Nothing at all.' He was silent for a while, realizing how much was known about him. Hatred and fear fought inside him, but he was a coward at heart. At last, seeing no escape, he raised his head. 'I will admit everything-in front of witnesses, if necessary.'


    Mr Brownlow nodded coldly. 'I will prepare a document for you to sign. You must give Oliver what is really his, and then you can go where you please.'


    At that moment Dr Losberne rushed into the room. 'The murderer will be taken tonight! His dog's been found.'


    'And Fagin?' asked Mr Brownlow.


    'They're sure of him. They may have him already.'


    Mr Brownlow turned back to Monks. 'Have you made up your mind?'


    'Yes,' replied Monks. 'And you promise - it'll remain a secret? No police, or charges of fraud against me?'

    “想好了”蒙克斯回。“你保证 ― 不把这事公诸于众?不向警察告发我?不控诉我欺诈罪?”

    'Yes,' said Mr Brownlow. 'You have my promise. For now, you must remain here, locked in this room. I will come for you tomorrow evening and take you to sign a confession in front of witnesses.'










