

作者: 葡萄汽水 | 来源:发表于2020-10-09 17:00 被阅读0次


    So that's an unpopular thing to say. But it's important that  whatever you consume is somewhere in the range of the body temperature  not too far away from that because it will disturb the way the water within the system behaves by consuming water or any substance which is very very far away from the body temperature. I know the ice cream loving people will scream at me now. I'm just telling you the ideal conditions.How many of you want to live in the ideal range are being conscious of it whereever possible, staying there is a good thing to do.




    If you don't feel thirsty, if you don't drink water, nothing is gonna happen. You are going to be fine. It's only in America. You will die if you don't drink water. Nowhere else. People simply drink water.  When they get thirsty, they drink water; otherwise they are fine, even in a desert. It's only in America and in cold climate everybody's carrying a bottle, and sipping continuously. Because the marketing machines have done this to them that they must drink lots of water, excessive consumption of water. Especially if it's done in small sips, body absorbs. When it absorbs, the sodium levels, which are very delicately balanced, will drop. The rest of the body, also is affected, but may not be noticeable. But in the brain, sodium levels dropping will lead to swelling of the brain. This does not mean your brain is growing, swelling means is a kind of sickness, Okay? Not expansion of the brain. It's swelling up, because of lack of sodium content. So because there's not enough sodium, more water goes into the brain, trying to supply the required sodium to keep the balance.So more water in your brain means you will slosh. Psychological imbalances will come.


    See, if you drink lots of water at one go, body will decide how much to absorb, how much to throw out. But if you keep sipping through the day, body kind of gets deceived and tends to absorb more water than it should. But let's say, right now you drink two liters of water, all of it is not going to go into the system. What is needed it'll take, rest of it will be shunted out. Nobody needs to drink water simply because you think it's a good thing to do. When you feel thirsty, you must drink water just to ensure you're drinking enough. Drink 10% more than what you actually need. A couple of cups more, just to ensure that you don't drink less. You have a certain amount of time, before you can drink. That it's not an emergency.


    At the same time, when you need water, when you're thirsty if you don't drink,  it'll cause damage to the system. The damage to the heart is immense, when the water that is needed is not there in the system. But when I say water, it is not just about drinking liquid water. You must be eat high water content foods. If you eat a fruit, it's nearly 90 percent water. Vegetables and other things are over 70 percent water. When you consume food at least it must be level with the percentage of water content in your own body. So any food that you eat should be at least 70% water content. So this is why vegetables, fruits must be part of your diet, so that it is there.






