DoraHacks与loTeX发起全球区块链慈善项目 鼎力支持新

DoraHacks与loTeX发起全球区块链慈善项目 鼎力支持新

作者: 教育界0 | 来源:发表于2018-05-16 16:45 被阅读0次

近日,全球极客组织、中国最大的Hacker社区DoraHacks宣布同全球下一代物联网区块链平台loTeX达成战略合作,共同携手组织DoraHacks X loTeX Charity Program慈善项目的全球推广,用以支持全球新生代极客投入到下一代区块链和物联网的开发和前沿技术实验,首期项目启动的短短几日内便募集到139.8个ETH,一部分将被用作Hackathon活动的hacker奖金,另外一部分将用于支持优秀DoraHacker跨国参与Hackathon的活动。2018年正是区块链技术的落地元年,物联网平台也越来越多地进入人们的生活之中。在时代的风口之上,“区块链+”正成为无数传统事业实现更迭创新的巨大突破口。这一次,DoraHacks联合全球下一代物联网区块链平台loTeX,一起用区块链技术定义慈善新时代。


IoTeX is building a decentralized network tailored specifically for the Internet of Things (IoT), powered by a scalable, private, and extensible blockchain. IoTeX’s team is comprised of a global team of Ph.Ds in Cryptography and Machine Learning, top tier blockchain engineers, DApp developers, and ecosystem builders.

IoTeX is leading the blockchain industry in several areas of research, most notably their lightweight blockchain-in-blockchain architecture, innovative Roll-DPoS consensus mechanism, and cutting edge privacy-preserving schemes incorporating bulletproofs, rings signatures, and stealth addresses, to push the frontier of blockchain 3.0. Given their exceptional academic and professional backgrounds and strong focus on innovation, we believe that IoTeX will serve as a great mentor to our hackers. To learn more about IoTeX’s vision, please see their website (https://iotex.io/) and whitepaper (https://iotex.io/white-paper).


• 现实主题 #1 - 智能家居的访问控制

• 现实主题 #2 - 下一代电子健康

• 技术挑战 #1 - 跨链通讯

• 技术挑战 #2 - 直接实现原始DPoS协议

In March, IoTeX held their first charity program (https://tinyurl.com/y7s4k66s) to support the Ethereum Foundation, and raised over 340 ETH to help fund blockchain research! IoTeX is now holding their second charity program to support -- you guessed it -- DoraHacks! “For our first charity program, we decided to support Ethereum, the pioneers of blockchain. This time around, we are excited to support the next generation of blockchain and IoT developers and are excited to join DoraHacks on their mission,” said Raullen Chai, co-founder of IoTeX.

Not only will IoTeX support DoraHacks with donations from their community, but they will also provide mentorship and advisory to DoraHacks and their community in several ways. IoTeX will provide real world blockchain and IoT-related problems / topics for hackers to solve during hackathons. In addition, IoTeX will provide IoT hardware, such as sensors and other connected devices, for hackers to incorporate into their projects. Finally, IoTeX’s talented team will serve as speakers and judges for several hackathons in 2018. See below for a preliminary list of real world topics and challenges from IoTeX:

• Topic #1 - Access Control in Smart Homes

• Topic #2 - Next Generation e-Health

• Challenge #1 - Cross-chain communication

• Challenge #2 - Directly implement the original DPoS protocol

为确保IoTeX慈善计划的捐赠可追踪,DoraHacks将完全透明化给予极客团队的奖励,并提供极客的Github链接。 这意味着每个人都可以通过公开钱包追踪DoraHacks资助的每一个项目。

To ensure donations from IoTeX’s charity program are traceable, DoraHacks will provide full transparency on which hackers / teams receive awards from the charity pool, and will provide a link to the Github code of the project. This means that everyone will be able to see what projects were sponsored by DoraHacks' partnership.


This program will be the start of a long and successful partnership with IoTeX, and DoraHacks is excited to have loTex join on the mission to connect the most talented hackers around the world so that every hacker can grow better through interaction and collaboration, and be able to creatively solve real-world problems our industries and society face today. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements, and please join IoTeX’s social media channels!

DoraHacks(dorahacks.com)是一个新锐的去中心化的全球极客组织。DoraHacks的使命是联结全世界的Hacker,为Hacker们提供服务和基础设施,同时将Hacker们的智慧凝结起来,用创新、高效的方式解决人类社会各行业出现的最新、最迫切的问题,让世界变得更美。DoraHacks开启了2018年的中国区及全球Hackathon计划,将在全中国和世界十个国家为在浪潮之巅寻找真正创新、高效、可行的技术解决方案不断努力。2018年DoraHacks联合8 Decimal Capital八维资本、BiTs Angel成立Hackers Fund,首期基金额度为10,000ETH,并即将启动第二期基金额度,用于支持能够解决未来重要问题的Hacker团队,助力全球创新变革浪潮。

DoraHacks is an international hacker community founded in 2014, with support from Open Wisdom Lab at Tsinghua University. As the biggest hacker organization in China, DoraHacks' mission is to connect the most talented hackers around the world to solve the greatest problems we face in different industries and to overcome practical issues from our diversiform society. In 2018, Hackers Fund was founded by 8 Decimal Capital, DoraHacks and BiTs Angel, and managed by DoraHacks and 8 Decimal Capital. Since its founding, 8 Decimal-Dora Hackers Fund has concentrate on supporting Hackers’ to explore better, prettier and more applicable solutions for current industries and future world. The initial fund lines are 10,000 ETH, and welcome more investment.



      本文标题:DoraHacks与loTeX发起全球区块链慈善项目 鼎力支持新
