近日,DFG Capital宣布正式入驻全球极客组织DoraHacks。双方将就区块链方面进行深度合作,融合资源,致力于区块链技术在Hacker社区的推广和发展。乘着区块链快速发展的东风,拥有扎实的Hacker社区基础和广泛的区块链资源,双方将携手引领时代技术风潮,影响构建区块链新生态。
Recently, DFG Capital has officially announced its partnership with DoraHacks (www.dorahcks.com). In the future, both parties will cooperate on blockchain technology and integrate related resources, endeavoring to speard blockchain technology to the Hacker community. With the large population of Hacker community and enomorous blockchain resources, DoraHacks and DFG Capital will lead the trend of technology in this new era and further influence, even reconstruct the blockchain ecosystem.

诞生于中国猫头鹰实验室的DoraHacks(dorahacks.com)是一个新锐的去中心化全球极客组织,也是目前中国活跃人数最多的Hacker社区。DoraHacks一直致力于联结全世界的Hacker,并为他们提供高水平的服务与基础设施。 通过搭建多样的互动平台,DoraHacks凝结全球尖端人才的智慧与创意,用更高效、更具针对性的方式解决人类社会各行业出现的新问题。同时,作为世界一流的Blockchain Hackathon组织者,DoraHacks为创新企业发展提供知识与技术支持。
DoraHacks is an international hacker community founded in 2014, with support from Open Wisdom Lab at Tsinghua University. As the biggest hacker organization in China, DoraHacks' mission is to connect the most talented hackers around the world to solve the greatest problems human beings face in different industries and to overcome practical issues from our diversiform society.
DoraHacks开启了2018年的中国区及全球Hackathon计划,将在全中国和世界十个国家为在浪潮之巅寻找真正创新、高效、可行的技术解决方案不断努力。2018年DoraHacks联合8 Decimal Capital八维资本、BiTs Angel成立Hackers Fund,首期基金额度为10,000ETH,并即将启动第二期基金额度,用于支持能够解决未来重要问题的Hacker团队,助力全球创新变革浪潮。
In 2018, Hackers Fund was founded by 8 Decimal Capital, DoraHacks and BiTs Angel, and managed by DoraHacks and 8 Decimal Capital. Since its founding, 8 Decimal-Dora Hackers Fund has concentrate on supporting Hackers’ to explore better, prettier and more applicable solutions for current industries and future world. The initial fund lines are 10,000 ETH, and welcome more investment.

DFG资本(Dynamic Fintech Group)成立于硅谷并发展迅速。核心业务为区块链投资与咨询,在美国、中国大陆及新加坡等地均有业务布局。已投资项目包含NKN、Quarkchain、WaykiChain, Thunder Token、HUB等明星项目。基金合伙人为来自美国康奈尔,伯克利,卡内基梅隆等知名大学的优秀毕业生,拥有坚实的技术、金融背景,以及广泛的人脉。有幸邀请到前华为首席区块链科学家黄连金先生作为合伙人加入本基金管理团队,亦获得前甲骨文知名云计算专家的技术支持。同时,与伯克利大学区块链社区Blockchain at Berkeley达成官方合作,为基金进行深度技术加持。
Dynamic Fintech Group is an emerging blockchain-focused venture fund founded in Silicon Valley. Along with blockchain investing, DFG also provides a one-stop-shop blockchain consulting service. DFG has had business footprints across the United States, China as well as Singapore, and is rapidly expanding to more countries / regions around the globe. DFG’s portfolio investments include various “super-star” projects such as NKN, Quarkchain, WaykiChain, Thunder Token and HUB. The fund was started by visionary graduates from well-known universities such as Cornell, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, etc. Recently, Mr. Huang Lianjin, former Chief Blockchain Scientist of Huawei, has joined the fund management team as a managing partner. The fund is advised by former Oracle cloud computing experts and has reached an official cooperation with Blockchain at Berkeley, a world leading blockchain academic community, for in-depth technical support and due diligence.
In the future, DFG will share and communicate blockchain resources with DoraHacks. DFG has a deep understanding of the entire blockchain investment ecosystem and works closely with various famous exchanges, listed companies and blockchain incubators. In addition, DFG has established a deep relationship with Chinese authoritative resources and is well-equipped to help DoraHacks to hold Hackathons in China. Meanwhile, DoraHacks is engaging in discovering more innovations and talented Hackers through Hackathons, contributing to the development of blockchain technology. DoraHacks will also enhance the influence of DFG Capital in Hack community.
诚挚合作,互通有无,携手共进,此次DoraHacks与DFG Capital的合作将在技术时代,先人一步,为前沿科技和区块链领域描绘出新的蓝图!Cooperating sincerely, communicating in time and stepping forward together, DoraHacks and DFG Capital will certainly depict a new bright future of blockchain technology!