昨晚带着大力读了一遍《Not A Box》,这本书画面简单,故事想象力不错,不过类似的书我们也看过不少,没有特别吸引力,几个问句还是挺适合我们练练英文口语的,所以读完这本书,我一边和大力玩拼图,一边听音频。
临睡前我和大力聊天,我说明天再听一本书吧,大力说“B is For Box”,看来还是那本黑漆漆的书更吸引他呀。
What are you doing on top of that box?It's not a box!
What are you doing on top of that box?It’s not a box!
Why are you squirting a box?I said, it’s not a box.
Now you’re wearing a box?This is not a box.
Are you still standing around in that box?It’s my Not-a-box!
Well, what is it then?It’s not not not noy a box!