Helping Children Deal with Their

Helping Children Deal with Their

作者: 花卷的学习笔记 | 来源:发表于2018-12-10 21:48 被阅读0次

Child’s Situation(Role-Playing)

I. The doctor said that you have an allergy and need to have shots every week so that you won’t sneeze so much. Sometimes the shots are painful and sometimes you hardly feel them at all. The shot you had today was the kind that really hurt. After you leave the doctor’s office, you want your parents to know how it felt.



①allergy 过敏 英/'ælədʒɪ/ 美/'ælɚdʒi/

②sneeze 打喷嚏 英/sniːz/ 美/sniz/

Coughs and sneezes spread infections.

The money's not to be sneezed at.

???Child’s Situation

Your parent will respond to you in two different ways. The first time, your feelings will be denied, but keep trying to get your parent to understand anyway. When the conversation comes to a natural conclusion, ask yourself what your feelings were and share your answer with the person who is role-playing with you.


???When the conversation comes to a natural conclusion

Start the scene by rubbing your arm and saying,“The doctor nearly killed me with that shot!”


①start the scene by

② kill
If you say that something is killing you, you mean that it is causing you physical or emotional pain.

My feet are killing me.

II. The situation is the same, only this time your parent will respond differently. Again, when the conversation comes to a natural conclusion ask yourself what your feelings were this time and share your answer.


Begin the scene in the same way, by saying,“The doctor nearly killed me with that shot!”When you’ve played the scene twice, you might want to reverse roles so that you can experience the parent’s point of view.


①reverse roles 英/rɪ'vɜːs/ 美/rɪ'vɝs/

②point of view 观点、看法,看问题的角度

From the point of view of safety, a lower speed limit would certainly be a good thing.

have ~ 持有...观点

Parent’s Situation (Role-Playing)I.
You have to take your child for allergy shots every week. Although you know your youngster dreads going, you also know that most of the time the shots just hurt for a second. Today, after leaving the doctor’s office your child complains bitterly.

①dread to do / doing sth.

If you dread something which may happen, you feel very anxious and unhappy about it because you think it will be unpleasant or upsetting.

害怕做什么事情的时候,可以用dread to do 替换 be afraid of 了,根据dread to do 更常用

② bitterly

You use bitterly when you are describing an attitude which involves strong, unpleasant emotions such as anger or dislike.

You’ll be playing the scene twice. The first time, try to get your child to stop complaining by denying his or her feelings. Use the following statements (if you like, you can make up some of your own):“Come on, it can’t hurt that much.”“You’re making a big fuss over nothing.” “Your brother never complains when he has a shot.”“You’re acting like a baby.”“Well, you’d better get used to those shots. After all, you’re going to have to get them every week.”

①make a big fuss over sth. 为。。。小题大做

When the conversation comes to a natural conclusion, ask yourself what your feelings were and share your answer with the person who is role-playing with you.Your child will start the scene.


II. The scene is the same, only this time you will really listen.Your responses will show that you can both hear and accept whatever feelings your child might express. For example:“Sounds as if it really hurt.”“Mmmm, that bad!”“Wouldn’t it be great if someone would discover a pain-free way to treat allergies?”“It’s not easy to get these shots week after week. I bet you’ll be glad when they’re over.”

①It’s not easy to get sth. week after week.

When you’ve played the scene twice, you might want to reverse roles so that you can experience the child’s point of view.When you played the child whose feelings were brushed aside and denied, did you find yourself becoming more and more angry? Did you start out being upset about your shot and end up being mad at your parent?

①brush aside/off
To dismiss abruptly or curtly:

brushed the matter aside; brushed an old friend off.

②start out ... and end up ... 起初。。。结束。。。

When you played the parent who tried to stop the complaining, did you find yourself getting more and more irritated with your “unreasonable” child?


① irritated with可替换 angry with ,生...的气

Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.

That’s usually the way it goes when feelings are denied. Parents and children become increasingly hostile toward each other.


①That’s usually the way it goes.

used to say that it is a fact that bad or disappointing things will happen sometimes

We lost the game, but that's the way it/life goes.


② hostile 英/'hɒstaɪl/ 美/'hɑstl/ 敌意的,不友善的

Parent, when you were accepting of your child’s feelings, did you sense the fight going out of your interchange? Did you experience your power to be genuinely helpful?

① go out of
If a quality or feeling goes out of someone or something, they no longer have it.

The fun had gone out of it.

Child, when your feelings were accepted, did you feel more respected? More loving toward your parent? Was the pain easier to bear when someone knew how much it hurt? Could you face it again next week?


When we acknowledge a child’s feelings, we do him a great service. We put him in touch with his inner reality. And once he’s clear about that reality, he gathers the strength to begin to cope.

①put ...in touch with

to cause or help someone to communicate with someone or something.

Can you put me in touch with Liz? Would you please put me in touch with the main office?

②inner reality???



      本文标题:Helping Children Deal with Their
