My first exposure to“philanthropy”11occurred back in the late 1990s when I was approaching fifty. At that time,Matt was sixteen, spoke Mandarin, and visited a Chinese orphanage to helpsomeone, where he learned that a $500 surgery could save or radically improvesome lives. We and our friends gave him money to help. Then, my friend PaulTudor Jones taught Matt how to create a 501(c)(3) foundation and Matt, just ajunior in high school, created the China Care Foundation in 2000. Matt broughtour family to the orphanages, so we had close contact with these special-needschildren and fell in love with them. We also watched Matt struggle to decidewhich children would live and which would die because there wasn’t enough moneyto save them all. Imagine being faced with the choice between a big night outon the town or saving a child’s life. That was essentially the choice weconstantly faced. This experience led us to become more involved withphilanthropy, so in 2003 we set up our own foundation to provide support inmore organized ways. We wanted to do our philanthropy together, as a familyactivity, which has proven to be fabulous.
Figuring out how to best giveaway money is as complex an undertaking as figuring out how to make it. Thoughwe now know a lot more about it than we did when we started, we still don’t
always feel capable to make the best decisions possible, so my family and I arestill feeling our way through it. I will give you a few examples of thequestions we have been wrestling with and how our thinking about them hasevolved, starting with the question of how much money should be saved for myfamily relative to how much should go to people and causes that are moredistant, yet more desperately in need.Long before I had a lotof money, I had determined that I wanted my sons to have only enough to affordexcellent health care, excellent education, and an initial boost to help theircareers get started. My perspective was influenced by my own journey through
life, which took me from having nothing to having a lot. That taught me tostruggle well and made me strong. I wanted the same for the people I loved. So,when I had earned a lot of money, I felt I had plenty of money to give away toothers.Over time, as we gainedexperience in trying to help in a number of areas, I learned how fast moneygoes and that we didn’t have nearly enough to take care of everything we caredabout. Additionally, when my first grandchild was born, it prompted me towonder how many generations I should budget to protect. Speaking to others incomparable positions, I discovered that even the richest people feel short ofthe money they need to do the things they want to do. So I studied how otherfamilies approach the question of how much to set aside for family and how muchto give away at what pace. While our family still has not answered thesequestions definitely, I know that I personally will give more than half of mymoney to those beyond my family.
Which causes we shoulddonate to was another big question. Barbara’s biggest passion has been helpingstudents in the most stressed public school districts in Connecticut,especially those students who are called “disengaged and disconnected.”12Astudy she funded showed that 22 percent of high school students fall intoone of these two categories, which was shocking because most will probablybecome adults who will suffer and be burdens on society rather than flourishingcontributors to it. Because she has a lot of direct contact with these childrenand their teachers, she understands their needs. When she learned that 10,000of them didn’t have winter coats, she felt compelled to provide them. What sheshowed me opened my eyes. How can clothing and nutrition be so severelydeficient in this “land of opportunity”? Everyone in our family believes thatequal opportunity, which is one of the most fundamental human rights, requiresequal educational opportunity—and that educational opportunities are terriblyunequal. The economic costs—in the forms of crime and incarceration—as well asthe social costs of not investing in improving these conditions are immense.While we have felt compelled to help, we’ve discovered it is very difficult tohave a significant impact relative to the size of the problem.
I feel deeply connectedto nature, especially the oceans. The oceans are our world’s greatest asset,covering 72 percent of its surface and comprising 99 percent of its livablespace. It thrills me to support scientists who are exploring the oceans andmedia showing them in the incredible environments they visit. I’m on a missionto make clear that ocean exploration is even more important and exciting thanspace exploration so that our oceans get more support and will be more sensiblymanaged. To add to my excitement, my son Mark is a wildlife filmmaker who
shares my passion, so we get to pursue it together.
Matt’s passion is tobring inexpensive, effective computing to the developing world as a way ofexpanding and improving education and health care. Paul’s passion is mentalhealth and his wife’s is fighting climate change. Devon is more focused on hiscareer than on philanthropy now, but his wife cares deeply about animalwelfare. Our family continues to support special-needs children in China, aswell as an institute that teaches best practices to Chinese philanthropists. Wealso support the teaching ofmeditationto children in stressful environments and to veterans with PTSD, cutting-edgeheart research, microfinance and other social enterprises, and much more.
We view our donations asinvestments and want to make sure that we have high philanthropic returns onour money. So another big question we wrestle with is how to measure thosereturns. It’s much easier to measure efficiency in a business by seeing howmuch its revenue exceeds its cost. Because of this, we developed an attractionto sustainable social enterprises. Still, I saw that so many philanthropicinvestments could pay off economically as well as socially, and ittormentedme that oursociety passes them up.
We also wrestled with howbig our organization should be and what governance controls we should have inorder to ensure the quality of our philanthropic decision making. I approachedthese ecisions the same way I explain in Work Principles—by creatingformalized principles and policies for our decision making. For example,because we are bombarded with more requests for grants than we canintelligently look at, I mandated a policy not to review unsolicited requestsso our staff has the time to sort through the areas we want to be focused on.We are continuously improving all our principles and policies, and I dreamabout building decision-making algorithms for our hilanthropic efforts, thoughthat’s beyond my reach at the moment.As you might haveguessed, we also seek advice from the most experienced and respected people possible. Bill Gates and the people we met through our participation in his,Melinda Gates’s, and Warren Buffett’s Giving Pledge have been enlightening.Others such as Muhammad Yunus, Paul Jones, Jeff Skoll, the Omidyar folks, andthe people at TED have been very helpful. The most important thing we’ve
learned is that there’s no one right way to do philanthropy, though there areplenty of wrong ways.
Giving away the moneythat I acquired during my lifetime—and doing that well—has been a joy, a
challenge, and the appropriate thing to do at this stage in my life.