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1 - Left Hand Rootless Voicing-

1 - Left Hand Rootless Voicing-

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-07-30 17:47 被阅读13次
Youtube--'Walk That Bass'

Left Hand Rootless Voicing

              Type A Chord Voicing

Deg  Basic      Rootless    Notes     Deg     Note on
   Chord in C    Chord                        Bottom

II     Dm7        Dm9      F-A-C-E   3-5-7-9   3rd
V      G7         G13      F-A-B-E   7-9-3-13  7th
I     CMaj7       C69      E-G-A-D   3-5-6-9   3rd

       Type B Chord Voicing(Inversion of Type A)

 Deg  Basic      Rootless    Notes     Deg    Note on
    Chord in C     Chord                      Bottom

II     Dm7        Dm9      C-E-F-A   7-9-3-5   7th
V      G7         G13      B-E-F-A   3-13-7-9  3rd
I     CMaj7       C69      A-D-E-G   6-9-3-5   7th

Type A Tips:
--Rootless C69 = E-G-A-D
--You can also play a rootless CMaj9
--Rootless CMaj9 = E-G-B-D

1、Rootless Voicings

1)Major and minor chords contain the 3, 5, 7 and 9(or 3, 5, 6, 9 if on the tonic chord)

2)Dominant chords contain the 3, 7, 9 and 13

2、Chord Voicing Conventions

1)Do not play the 11th when playing a Major or Dominant 13 voicing

2)Sharpen the 11th when playing a Major or Dominant 11 Chord. The natural 11th can be played over a minor chord.

Original    Rootless   Type A Voicing  Type B Voicing
 Chord       Chord         Notes           Notes

  Fm7         Fm9        Ab-C-Eb-G        Eb-G-Ab-C
  Bbm7        Bbm9       Ab-C-Db-F        Db-F-Ab-C
  Eb7         Eb13       G-C-Db-F         Db-F-G-C
  AbMaj7      AbMaj9     G-Bb-C-Eb        C-Eb-G-Bb
  DbMaj7      DbMaj9     F-Ab-C-Eb        C-Eb-F-Ab
  G7          G13        F-A-B-E          B-E-F-A
  CMaj7       C69        E-G-A-D          A-D-E-G



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