Untitled Poem 无题诗一首

Untitled Poem 无题诗一首

作者: 沙栀 | 来源:发表于2019-11-24 19:45 被阅读0次

    I would rather be a shabby boat if you were the deep blue sea. 宁愿我是条破旧的小船 如果你是那片汪洋

    I would rather be wizen petal if youwere the nice bud 宁愿我是片凋零的落红 如果你是那瓣花蕾

    I would rather be the dappled shade ifyou were the green tree 宁愿我是那抹斑驳的树影 如果你是那棵青树

    My beloved 我的爱人

    Even I could think sheets of metaphors 就算我能想象出无数隐喻

    Even I could play thousands of serenades 就算我能弹奏出夜曲万千

    Yet no say half that I feel 没有一个能道出我对你无尽的情意

    My dearest 我最亲爱的

    I have died more 每一天我都在对你的等待中死去

    Waiting for you each day 越来越深

    Longing you 依恋你

    Missing you 想念你

    Like the sunflower always cling to thebright sun 就像向日葵永远眷恋着明亮的太阳

    Like the cloud always linger on the bluesky 就像云朵永远都在碧透的天空踟蹰

    Like the drop drown in the sedate lake 就像雨滴永远都沉溺在琥珀的静谧

    My eyes are gazing at your receding figure 我的眼睛凝望着你消失的背影

    My ears are collecting your fond voice 我的耳朵收集着你温柔的声音

    My heart lives for your heart 我的心里住着一个你

    Forever and ever 直到永远

    But you don’t know 只是,你不知道。

    ---------From Sarah with Love



          本文标题:Untitled Poem 无题诗一首
