Aspect Extraction for Opinion Mi

Aspect Extraction for Opinion Mi

作者: Shuailong | 来源:发表于2017-04-27 11:46 被阅读117次

    Sandro Cavallari, PhD Candidate, NTU

    • Aspect Extraction

      • based on frequent words (occurrences and co-ocurrences of noun and noun phrases)
      • by exploiting opinion and target relations
      • based on topic modelling
      • based on supervised learning
    • Deep convolutional belief network

      • composition of the unsupervised RBM
      • trained layer wise to maximise a energy function
    • Sentic-net: extract the linguistic pattern as additional information

    • Dataset

      • Word Embedding
        • Random
        • Google word2vec embedding
        • Our amazon embedding(~34 reviews)
      • Evaluation copra
        • Aspect-based sentiment analysis [Qui et al.]
        • SemEval 2014
      • Postag
        • Stanford tagger to detect 6 basic part of speech



          本文标题:Aspect Extraction for Opinion Mi
