Then we did a passing drill between 2 players and play 1vs1 with just defending the ball .
Training on 23-24/08/2019After we changed the exercise where the players had to pass the ball and change directions and attack the ball and the other players had to score
Training on 23-24/08/2019all this type of training was focused on game situations and passes and defending. The players finished by playing and game and stretching
Training on 23-24/08/2019Then on Sunday morning
We did training with Zhang Qi where we focused on moving the ball around in a designed area with a high speed and shooting skills then players had a game with another team.
Training on 23-24/08/2019On the second class for Saturday and Sunday I had we started the warm up of where players have to play Tag and each player had 30 seconds to catch as many players as they can it made players warm up first plus the weather that was hot .
Training on 23-24/08/2019On the technical side we did a game that involved using both foot and the player had to pass to each other as much as they can improve team work
Training on 23-24/08/2019Then we did small drills that require the players to do use the both feet and the drill was a bit hard so we made it a home work as well
Training on 23-24/08/2019Then they played a game to become much better they can finish they pass during the game
Training on 23-24/08/2019and we finished by a small meeting and did a stretching as well