The weather was cold but good for football training.
08:20 to 10:20
I observed other coaches training and we played a match.
10:20 to 12:20
We had 10 players
1/Warm up~We did running and dribbling with the ball in a marked area.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/192/Technical Drills~We did passing and ball control.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/19We played a 3v3 and 2v2 matches where players were encouraged to pass the ball to each other and controlling.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/1924/02/19
The weather was also cold and very good for football training.However only few players attended the training.
08:20 to 10:20
We did shooting drills with other coaches then we played a match amongst ourselves mixed with 2 students who attended.
10:20 to 12:20
We had 10 players
1/Warmup~We did running and dribbling with the ball from the centre of a marked pitch to the small goals on the corners.We also made some runs without balls on the same pitch.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/192/Technical Drills~We did running with the ball and turning.We later incooperated passing.We then did shooting whereby 2players from opposing teams fight for a saved ball before shooting.There was a lot of competition involved.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/193/We played 3v3 and 2v2 matches which were very competitive and players really tried hard to win.
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/19The player below was the man of the match
Summary Session of 23/02/19 to 24/02/19