Unitimes 精选 | 号外号外,君士坦丁堡紧急推迟更新

Unitimes 精选 | 号外号外,君士坦丁堡紧急推迟更新

作者: Unitimes_独角时代 | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 15:09 被阅读3次

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周二,审计公司 ChainSecurity 在即将升级的硬分叉中发现,五个EIP之中有一个存在漏洞。以太坊改进提案(EIP)1283 被发现存在安全漏洞,可能会使以太坊在君士坦丁堡升级后遭受重入式攻击(re-entrancy attack)。核心开发者 Afri Shoedon 在推特上宣布君士坦丁堡推迟升级日期至下周一。

Constantinople Delayed Due To Vulnerability to Re-entrancy Attack

On Tuesday, auditing firm ChainSecurity discovered a bug in one of the five EIPs slated for the upcoming hard fork. Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1283 was found to have a security vulnerability that would allow reentrancy attacks. Core developer Afri Schoedon announced on Twitter that Constantinople will take place on Monday.


Cashshffle 开发者称其隐私协议即将完成

Cashshuffle 开发团队成员 Josh Ellithorpe 在1月14日透露,专注比特币现金(BCH)的隐私洗牌(shuffle)协议即将完成。开发人员计划对代码进行安全审计,并在 Bitbacker.io 平台上启动筹款活动,以确保审计获得足够的资金支持。

Developer Says Privacy Project Nears Completion

One of the Cashshuffle development team contributors, Josh Ellithorpe, revealed on Jan. 14 that the BCH-focused privacy shuffling protocol is near completion. The developers are planning to run a security audit on the code and have launched a fundraiser on the Bitbacker.io platform to help secure funding for the audit.


西班牙能源公司 Repsol 称区块链技术可帮其每年节省40万欧元

Cointelegraph1月15日报道,马德里能源公司Repsol公布提升产品安全认证的区块链试验成功。该技术实验室经理 Tomas M. Malango 强调,该行业还有很大的提升空间。

Spanish Energy Firm Repsol Claims Blockchain Can Help It Save 400,000 Euro per Year

Madrid-based energy company Repsol reported a successful test of a blockchain pilot to improve the quality of safety certification of its products. Cointelegraph in Spanish reported the news on Jan. 15. The manager of experimentation at the Tech Lab, Tomas M. Malango, has highlighted that there is a lot of room for improvement in the industry.


Cyptopia 因遭受黑客攻击后损失惨重,现已下线

新西兰加密货币交易所 Cryptopia 今天在推特上发文称,该交易所因在1月14日遭到黑客攻击,造成“重大损失”,现已下线。

Cryptopia Goes Offline After Hack Causes Major Losses

New Zealand-based crypto exchange Cryptopia today tweeted that the exchange had gone offline after a hack on January 14 that resulted in "significant losses."


ABCC 与 Trond 合作,首发 TRC10 代币平台

据15日发布的推文称,ABCC 加密货币交易所已经和第九大加密货币波场币(TRX)达成合作。波场的创始人兼 CEO 孙宇晨随即在推特上证实了这一消息。据该声明称,此次合作将会使 ABCC 成为第一家上线基于 Tron TRC10 技术标准代币的加密交易所。

ABCC Exchange Partners With Tron to Become First Platform to List TRC10 Tokens

ABCC cryptocurrency exchange has partnered with the ninth largest cryptocurrency Tron (TRX), according to a tweet posted Jan. 15. Tron's founder and CEO Justin Sun subsequently confirmed the news on Twitter.As per the announcement, the partnership has made ABCC the first crypto exchange to list tokens based on Tron’s TRC10 technical standard.



**Péter Szilágyi **


因以太坊君士坦丁堡硬分叉升级推迟,紧急 Geth 版本 v1.8.21 已发布。详细版本说明请参阅:


Emergency Geth release v1.8.21 out to postpone the Constantinople #Ethereum hard fork! See release notes for details!


I'm actually quite pleasantly surprised how smoothly this emergency action went down. Was really nice to see so many stepping up to help with whatever they could! Congrats #Ethereum community!


Joseph Young





This time last year, Coincheck was hacked and $500 million+ worth of crypto were stolen.

The reason was a lack of security experts working on the exchange's infrastructure.

So don't use exchanges that do not prioritize security.


Eric Conner





The crypto journalism space seems saturated and mostly unnecessary. Most scoops are boring and stories are a click bait headline with some quotes. I think most are misunderstanding their audience.

What crypto needs is more deep dive analysis and research.


**Mihailo Bjelic‏ **




Broke: Blockchains enable p2p transfer of value with no intermediaries and rent seeking!

Woke: Blockchains are not p2p, there are thousands of intermediaries who need to agree to approve transfers, and they all take rent from you (coin dilution and/or fees).


Jimmy Song



The sneakiest form of oppression in the world is financial.


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