InterProscan 输出格式

作者: 正踪大米饭儿 | 来源:发表于2017-07-18 17:37 被阅读35次

    InterProscan 是一个比较强大的核酸/蛋白序列注释程序。

    sh /opt/interproscan-5.18-57.0/ -goterms -pa -t p -f tsv -i pep.fa -o output.tsv

    tsv 输出格式如下:

    Protein Accession (e.g. P51587)
    Sequence MD5 digest (e.g. 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579)
    Sequence Length (e.g. 3418)
    Analysis (e.g. Pfam / PRINTS / Gene3D)
    Signature Accession (e.g. PF09103 / G3DSA:
    Signature Description (e.g. BRCA2 repeat profile)
    Start location
    Stop location
    Score - is the e-value (or score) of the match reported by member database method (e.g. 3.1E-52)
    Status - is the status of the match (T: true)
    Date - is the date of the run
    (InterPro annotations - accession (e.g. IPR002093) - optional column; only displayed if -iprlookup option is switched on)
    (InterPro annotations - description (e.g. BRCA2 repeat) - optional column; only displayed if -iprlookup option is switched on)
    (GO annotations (e.g. GO:0005515) - optional column; only displayed if --goterms option is switched on)
    (Pathways annotations (e.g. REACT_71) - optional column; only displayed if --pathways option is switched on)
    1. 蛋白质接入号
    2. 序列的 MD5 值
    3. 序列长度
    4. 不同分析方案
    5. 签名号
    6. 签名描述
    7. 起始位置
    8. 终止位置
    9. 得分
    10. 状态
    11. 运行日期
    12... 其他 




        本文标题:InterProscan 输出格式
