

作者: 夏徛荣考研 | 来源:发表于2020-07-24 15:16 被阅读0次

“shape”名词的含义有“形状,形式,健康”。那么,作动词的含义是什么呢?在考研文章中,时常理解为“引导,决定...方向”,暗藏着某种因果关系。例如,真题中出现的“ curb our ambition to reshape history”的表达。

老夏考研“每日一题”选自《赫芬顿邮报》文章标题为“Here’s How Housing Crunch Is Reshaping The Size Of Cities Across The Country”(以下是房地产危机如何重塑美国各地城市规模的例子)。



Which of the following is true of California’s “Inland Empire”?   

[A] It is made possible by legislation like Wiener’s.

[B]It has been booming under favorable conditions.

[C] It enjoys wide popularity for its common goods.

[D] It gives priority to the development of rural areas.


Some of the smaller cities gaining population are exurbs* that lost their appeal in the rush to live in cities. California’s “Inland Empire” has seen a resurgence* in interest, with the cities of Ontario and Chino Hills east of Los Angeles seeing growth doubling since the previous year. That’s because affluent people priced out of Los Angeles have been buying new houses there. Light rail makes commuting possible, and home prices are half what they are in coastal suburbs like Orange County, said John Husing, an economist specializing in Inland Empire issues. He added that legislation like Wiener’s, which prioritizes urban apartments, would hurt the development of single-family houses in the Inland Empire by subjecting it to more review.


①Some of the smaller cities gaining population are exurbs* that lost their appeal in the rush to live in cities. 一些人口不断增加的较小城市是远郊地区,它们在人们争相挤入城市的大潮中失去了吸引力。

②California’s “Inland Empire” has seen a resurgence* in interest, with the cities of Ontario and Chino Hills east of Los Angeles seeing growth doubling since the previous year. 人们对加州“内陆帝国”的兴趣再度升温, 洛杉矶东部的Ontario和Chino Hills等城市自去年以来增长了一倍。

③That’s because affluent people priced out of Los Angeles have been buying new houses there. 其原因是在洛杉矶买不起房的富人一直在那里买新房。

④Light rail makes commuting possible, and home prices are half what they are in coastal suburbs like Orange County, said John Husing, an economist specializing in Inland Empire issues. 专门研究“内陆帝国”问题的经济学家John Husing,轻轨让通勤成为可能,房价也只有Orange County县等沿海郊区的一半。

⑤He added that legislation like Wiener’s, which prioritizes urban apartments, would hurt the development of single-family houses in the Inland Empire by subjecting it to more review. 他还说,像“维纳”那样优先考虑城市公寓的立法会使“内陆帝国”的独栋住宅开发受到更多审查,从而损害其发展。 






