P3图片导致IOS 9.1 9.2系统崩溃

P3图片导致IOS 9.1 9.2系统崩溃

作者: Hyukooooh | 来源:发表于2017-09-30 17:17 被阅读65次


    1506762500470.jpg 478CE242-2001-432F-B0D3-B2D4B1D463C3.png

    这尼玛是什么鬼,全都没见过啊! 还这么多 仔细一看崩溃系统全是9.0 9.1 9.2的。
    有不少的用户打电话过来投诉,啊,我的那个烦啊!测试机怎么测都重现不了,同事朋友又没人有同版本的真机。 赶紧查资料找人问。最后在网上看到相似的情况。主要原因是因为打的包里含有p3图片

    1. Create an Inspectable .ipa file.  In the Xcode Organizer (Xcode->Window->Organizer), select an archive to inspect, click “Export...", and choose "Export for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment". This will create a local copy of the .ipa file for your app.
    2. Locate that .ipa file and change its the extension to .zip.
    3. Expand the .zip file. This will produce a Payload folder containing your .app bundle.
    4. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the top level of your .app bundle
    cd path/to/Payload/your.app
    5. Use the find tool to locate Assets.car files in your .app bundle as shown below:
    find . -name 'Assets.car'
    6. Use the assetutil tool to find any 16-bit or P3 assets, in each Assets.car your application has as shown below. :
    sudo xcrun --sdk iphoneos assetutil --info /path/to/a/Assets.car > /tmp/Assets.json
    7.  Examine the resulting /tmp/Assets.json and look for any contents containing “DisplayGamut": “P3” and its associated “Name".  This will be the name of your imageset containing one or more 16-bit or P3 assets.
    8.  Replace those assets with 8-bit / sRGB assets, then rebuild your app.






          本文标题:P3图片导致IOS 9.1 9.2系统崩溃
