Elon Musk-(8)Pain, Suffering, an

Elon Musk-(8)Pain, Suffering, an

作者: 二白_a00c | 来源:发表于2017-09-18 22:57 被阅读0次


    1.wind up:dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something.

    原文:He set off in March 2007 for SpaceX's headquarters in El Segundo and wound up receiving a personal tour from Musk.

    造句:I set off in July 2016 for my preparation for graduate application and wound up receiving an offer in this month.

    2.zip: to fasten something sing a zip

    fiddle with: to move part of a machine in order to make it work, without knowing exactly what you should do

    原文:Enthusiastic employees were zipping about, fiddling with an assortment of machines.

    造句:I have tried to fiddle with this machine but failed.

    3. dispel: make (a doubt, belief, or feeling) disappear

    原文:an image hardly dispelled by a car collection that has boasted a Porsche 911 Turbo

    造句:Nothing can dispel my belief.


    1. The Musk glow dimmed.

    2. He wouldn't flinch at (退缩)renting a plane for ninety thousand dollars to get something to Kwaj.

    3. It's not clear how much Musk let on to Justine about his dwindling bank account.


    1.竟然在章节开头就看到了wind up的用法,真心赞一下剑桥高级英语词汇这本书!




          本文标题:Elon Musk-(8)Pain, Suffering, an
