Simplify exporting and printing from Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.
What you learned: Export or print using presets
- Edits you make in Lightroom Classic don’t change the original file. So if you want to share an edited photo, you have to export a copy of it.
- Choose File > Export. In the Export window choose file format, image size, sharpening, and other settings for the copy you’re exporting.
- Click Add at the bottom left if you want to create an export preset for future use.
- Click Export to export selected images with these settings now. To export other photos with these settings in the future, select one or more photos, choose File > Export with Preset, and choose this preset.
- To print photos, switch to the Print module.
- Choose a print template in the Template Browser at the left. You can modify print settings, such as margins, in the panels at the right.
- To create a print preset with your modified settings, click the plus icon at the right of the Template Browser. To apply that print template to another photo you open in the Print module, choose that template in the Template Browser.
通过Lightroom Classic导出和打印照片
通过Lightroom Classic CC便捷的导出和打印照片
- 你在LR中所作的编辑并不会改变原始文件。因此如果你想分享一张编辑好的照片,你需要通过导出一个副本;
- 选择菜单栏“文件”-“导出”。在导出窗口中,你可以设定正在导出的副本文件的文件格式、尺寸、质量等一些属性;
- 如果你想将当前的导出设置保存以便将来使用,点击左侧的“添加”按钮;
- 要打印照片在,则需切换至打印模块;
- 在左侧的模板导航窗口中选择一个打印模板,当然,你可以在右边的窗口中修改外边距等(默认的)打印设置;
- 在右侧的模板导航窗口中点击“+”图表,将当前的打印设置保存为打印预设。当你希望将它应用至另一张照片时,在模板导航窗口中选择即可。