16-144.Notes of Critical Thinkin

16-144.Notes of Critical Thinkin

作者: ThatLight | 来源:发表于2016-07-25 13:55 被阅读44次
  • The photos below are notes of Critical Thinking from CILE( Center for Innovation in Legal Education)
  • These vedios are published on YouTuBe. And maybe the most benefical part is YouTuBe could creat subtitles, which really do help on understanding. Therefore, I can improve my skills both on English and Critical Thinking at the same time.
  • Here's the website click (U should Have a VPN first.)
  • Plus, I can't imagine that I could learn a pure English Tutorial even one month ago. But I make it. It's not so hard as I Imagined before. I feel quite amazing now!! Haha.... So, Practicing and pushing yourself really do help.

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    本文标题:16-144.Notes of Critical Thinkin
