

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2018-01-10 20:21 被阅读65次

Macron visit is raising hopes

选自China Daily, 英文原文网址为:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201801/08/WS5a52992fa31008cf16da592a.html


1. 提高、增长类动high词: boost(1) , promote(1,7,9) , enable(7) ,  reinforce(8) , upgrade(10) , highlight(13) 

2. 变大、变强类形容high词: remarkable(2,14) , vast(4) , integrated(6) ,  further(7) , strong(7) , huge(10) , greater(10) 

3. 目标类名high词: trade and interconnectivity(1) , shared growth(1) , progress(2) , nuclear power(2,4) , space(2) , climate change (2,8) , the breadth and depth of the visit(4) , areas of discussion(4) , space navigation(4) , digital economy(4) , global role(5) , a more integrated Europe(6) , capability(7) , policy coordination(7) , global governance(7,8) , cooperation(8,12) , anti-terrorism(8) , world peace(8) , stability (8) , reform(8) , trade route(9) , manufacturing industry (10) , bilateral coopeartion (10) , agricultural products(12) , environment preservation(12) , sustainable urban development(12) , cultural and people-to-people exchanges (13) , prospects(14) , infrastructure construction(14) , medical care(14) , against the Ebola virus(14).

4.地点类high词: in Eurasia(1) 

5. 直接就high 了: voice high hopes(1)  

6. 绑定类high 词: made remarkable progress(2) , play a more global role on the international scene(5) 

7.创新类high词: inject the impetus(8) 

8. 特别给力high词: the Belt and Road Initiative(9) 

9. 其他积极类动high词: connect (9) , synergize(9) , explore (12) 


1. Chinese and European observers have voiced high hopes that Beijing and Paris will boost trade and interconnectivity in Eurasia and promote shared growth as French President Emmanuel Macron is set to kick off his state visit to China on Monday.

**1**that**2**as**3**是这个句子的骨架,1是中心,2是解释,3是时间,整个句子都是愿景,所以是 will boost***。1中欧关系评论家表示高度期待(voice high hope);2 解释高度期待,其一是促进欧亚地区贸易以及其他层面的互联互通(boost trade and interconnectivity in Eurasia),其二是促进共同发展(promote shared growth); 3是1和2的发生时间,即法国总统马克隆访华时期。

2. Macron, the first foreign head of state to visit in 2018, arrives in China at a time that the two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have made remarkable progress in areas such as nuclear power, space and climate change.

这句话的重点在后面,介绍了法国总统马克隆此次访华的背景。***1***arrives in China at a time that***2***, 2就是背景所在,中法两个常任理事国(United Nations Security Council)已经在核电(nuclear power)、太空(space)以及应对气候变化(climate change)等领域取得了显著进展。

3. During his first China trip as president, Macron will visit Beijing and Xi'an. He will meet with President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and top legislator Zhang Dejiang during the three-day trip.


4. Chris Rowley, an Asia expert and professor at the University of Oxford's Kellogg College, said "the breadth and depth of the visit and areas of discussion are vast" during the leaders' upcoming talks, expected to include areas such as nuclear power, space navigation and the digital economy.

“vast”为“辽阔、广阔”之意,比如我们所见到的大海就可以用这个词来形容。访问的广度和深度(the breadth and depth of the visit)以及双方探讨的领域(areas of discussion)将(upcoming talks)会非常广泛(vast),预计将包括核电(nuclear power)、航天(space navigation)以及数字经济(digital economy)等领域。

5. "There is the view that this trip is an opportunity for bilateral trade deals and fits Macron's ambitions to play a more global role on the international scene," Rowley said.

“play a more global role on the international scene”意为在国际舞台上发挥更全面的作用,这应该是一句有着中国特色的英语。

6. Macron's visit takes place against a background of European trade protectionism and Macron's ideas for a more integrated Europe, Rowley said.

背景知识:近一段时间以来,贸易保护主义(trade protectionism)在欧洲有所抬头,德意法三国率先收紧了对外资的限制。另,马克隆拥护欧洲一体化(a more integrated Europe),提倡顺应全球化,希望法国可以变得更加包容、开放、支持新技术等。

7. Zhao Huaipu, a professor at China Foreign Affairs University, said, "Both Beijing and Paris have strong capability in drafting and fulfilling policies" as they seek a multipolar world, and "this enables their further policy coordination in the area of promoting global governance".

******, and this enables***是这个句子的骨架。一个简单的递进关系交代了中法两国的指导思想及该思想方针带来的影响。他们的指导思想就是支持多边主义(seek a multipolar world),这为两国在促进全球治理(promoting global governance)方面的政策合作(policy coordination)奠定了基础。另,全球治理理论是顺应世界多极化趋势而提出的旨在对全球政治事务进行共同管理的理论。

8. "The two countries reinforced cooperation in areas such as climate change and anti-terrorism and will inject the impetus for world peace, stability and the reform of global governance," Zhao said.

承接上文,***reinforced cooperation in areas such as*** and will inject the impetus for***是这个句子的骨架,前半句是已经做了的事情,后半句是愿景,所以他们的时态不同。中法两国已加强了在气候变化(climate change)及反恐(anti-terrorism)等领域的合作,这将促进世界和平稳定(stability)以及全球治理体系的改革(the reform of global governance)。“inject the impetus”是一个特别生动的说法,“inject”一般在注射扎针时候用,“ inject the impetus”注射刺激可以理解为促进。

9. Cui Hongjian, director of the Department for European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, noted that Macron has been promoting building a trade route connecting China, Europe and Russia, and this plan could synergize with the Belt and Road Initiative.

***has been promoting*** and this plan could***是这个句子的骨架,前半句是计划,后半句是计划可能产生的影响。法国总统马克隆正在推进连接中欧俄商贸之路的建设(promoting building a trade route connecting China, Europe and Russia),虽然产生的影响只是用微弱的“could”来形容,但该计划可能会与“一带一路”协同发展即“synergize with Belt and Road Initiative”。

10. "France is working on upgrading its manufacturing industry, so there is a huge space for greater bilateral cooperation," Cui said.

该句因果关系很明显,***,so***为这句的骨架。由于法国的制造产业升级(upgrading its manufacturing industry),所以,中法两国双边合作的空间十分巨大(huge space for greater bilateral cooperation)。

11. If the French leader objectively evaluates China's role, he will find more chances for cooperation, Cui added.


12. Zhang Guobin, secretary-general of the Charhar Institute think tank and a former Chinese consul general in Strasbourg, France, said the two countries could explore new cooperation in areas like agricultural products, environment preservation and sustainable urban development.

某专家称其实中法两国可以开展合作的新领域还有很多,例如农作物(agricultural products)、环境保护(environment preservation)以及城市可持续发展(sustainable urban development)。“could”一词可大致推测出专家语气较弱,推测口吻。

13. Macron's trip to Xi'an highlights the importance of cultural and people-to-people exchanges, Zhang told Guangming Daily.

法国总统特别提出了中法两国人文交流的重要性(highlight the importance of cultural and people-to-people exchanges)。

14. He Wenping, a senior expert on Middle East studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the two countries' cooperation with the third parties could see remarkable prospects in Africa, where they have worked effectively on infrastructure construction and medical care, particularly the fight against the Ebola virus.

“remarkable”又一次出现了,这一次不再是“remarkable progress”而是“remarkable prospects”,这次句子骨架是***remarkable prospects in Africa,where they have worked effectively on***。在非洲,中法两国偕第三方合作可以在基础设施建设(infrastructure construction)、医疗(medical care)、防御埃博拉病毒(fight against the Ebola virus)等领域有所建树。





