Here are some types of terrible events that hurt or kill people.
Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the earth.
caused使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致; cause的过去分词和过去式
forces武力; 暴力; 力; 力量; 强大效力; 巨大影响; 强迫,迫使; 用力,强行; 使发生; force的第三人称单数和复数
deep深的; 厚的; 纵深的; 宽的; 有…深的; 深深地; 在深处; 至深处; 海; 海洋
earth世界; 地球; 陆地; 地面; 大地; 土; 泥; 泥土; 把接地
During earthquakes, many people are often killed by collapsing buildings and bridges.
earthquakes地震; earthquake的复数
many people许多人; 人多; 很多人
often时常; 常常; 往往; 大多
killed杀死; 弄死; 导致死亡; 毁灭; 破坏; 扼杀; 使停止; 使痛苦; 使疼痛; 使受折磨; kill的过去分词和过去式
collapsing倒塌,坍塌; 倒下,昏倒,晕倒; 坐下,躺下放松; collapse的现在分词
buildings建筑物; 房子; 楼房; 建筑; 建筑业; building的复数
bridges桥; 起联系作用的事物; 桥梁; 纽带; 驾驶台; 船桥; 舰桥; 在…建桥,架桥于,跨过,度过; bridge的第三人称单数和复数
Floods happen when rivers rise and overflow their banks.
happen发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好
rivers河; 江; 涌流; river的复数
overflow漫出; 溢出; 挤满了人; 扩展出界; 过度延伸; 容纳不下的人; 溢出的液体; 溢流管
banks银行; 筹码; 赌本; 库存; 库; 把存入银行; 开账户,存款; 倾斜
Floodwaters damage or destroy many houses and businesses.
Fires destroy buildings, land and forests.
There are many causes for fire, including lightning.
In a hurricane, high winds destroy buildings, and sometimes cause flooding.
destroy摧毁; 毁灭; 破坏; 杀死,消灭,人道毁灭
buildings建筑物; 房子; 楼房; 建筑; 建筑业; building的复数
sometimes有时; 间或
cause原因; 起因; 理由; 动机; 缘故; 事业,目标,思想; 使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致
flooding洪水泛滥; 水灾; 洪涝; 灌满水; 淹没; 泛滥; 大量涌入; 蜂拥而出; flood的现在分词
Some hurricanes have winds of more than 200 miles an hour.
Car accidents happen when cars collide, or when drivers lose control of their cars.
Car小汽车; 轿车; 火车车厢
accidents事故; 意外遭遇; 不测事件; 意外; 偶然的事; accident的复数
happen发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好
when什么时候; 何时; 什么情况下; 什么场合下; 在那时; 其时; 当时; 当场; 在…时候; 当…时; 在…期间; 在…之后; 在任何…时候
cars小汽车; 轿车; 火车车厢; car的复数
collide碰撞; 相撞; 严重不一致; 冲突; 抵触
drivers驾驶员; 司机; 驾车者; 球杆; 驱动程序; driver的复数
lose control of失去对…的控制
One of the main causes of car accidents is driving too fast.
1.what happens when the drivers lose his control of his car?
car accidents
2.when these happen, many people are ofen killed by collapsing buildings and bridges?
3.what happens when people are not careful about fire?
4.what happens when rivers overflow their banks?
5.During earthquakes, many people are often killed by collapsing buildings and bridges.
6.In a hurricane, high winds destroy buildings, and sometimes cause flooding.
7.Fires destroy buildings, land and forests.
8.There are many causes for fire, including lightning.
9.Floods happen when rivers rise and overflow their banks.