Australian Art and Cultural: The Pioneer—Frederick McCubbin 1904
The first panel shows a pioneering couple in their new bush environment: the man is lighting a fire to boil the billy, while the woman contemplates their future life.
The second panel shows the couple several years later: the woman holds a baby, land has been cleared and a small house has been built.
In the final panel a bushman discovers a grave, and in the background a city begins to emerge. It is uncertain who has died and whether the male figure is the pioneer, his son or a stranger.

《澳大利亚艺术与文化》课程 :澳洲画家作品赏析——先驱者或拓荒者
从画家的作品,三个画面看澳洲拓荒者的历史,这是本学期正在学习的内容之一。今日作了ppt,与师友的一起分享。释行愿 [微笑]2021.9.9