A herd of over 100 goats have taken advantage of the coronavirus lockdown, and they invaded a deserted town center in Wales. Usually, the wild herd of Kashmiri goats only venture into Llandudno, a town in north Wales, during bad weather.
Local residents say that this time, the opportunistic goats were drawn by empty streets. The animals have spent the past three days feasting on garden hedges and flowers. Concerned residents contacted local police to gather upthe goats.
However, it did not stop the goats from coming back, and they were spotted the next morning enjoying the sunshine. With the streets unnaturally quiet, the goats have been left to wander undisturbed.
1 重点词汇表达
1. invade,vt, to enter a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it,武装入侵,侵略,侵犯;invasion,noun,入侵,侵略;invader,noun,侵略者
2.deserted,adj, with no people in it 无人居住的,空寂无人的;desert,noun,沙漠,荒漠;desert,vt,丢弃,遗弃
eg. abandon/ discard,vt,丢弃,放弃,舍掉
3.opportunistic,adj,exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principle,机会主义的;opportunity,noun,机会;opportunist,noun,机会主义者,机会主义分子
4.draw,vt,attract (someone) to come to a place or an event,引来,招引,吸引
eg. draw one's attention,吸引某人的注意;attract/ rivet/ gain one's attention,吸引某人的注意;draw/ reach/ come to a conclusion,得出结论
5.spend,vt, to use your money to pay for goods or services,用(钱),花费;vt,to use time doing a particular thing or pass time in a particular place,度过,消磨,花(时间)
eg. spend sth on sth,花费......做......;spend time doing sth,花费时间做某事
eg. It takes sb some time to do sth,某人花费时间做某事
6.feast,vt,to eat a large amount of food, with great enjoyment,尽情享用(美味佳肴);noun,a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate sth,盛宴,宴会
7.contact,vt,communicate with someone, typically in order to give or receive specific information,(尤其指为交换信息)与…...接触,与…...联系,与......交往;noun,接触,联系,联系人
8.spot,vt,to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize,发现,注意到,看出,认出;noun,a particular place or area, especially a pleasant place where you spend time,(尤其指休闲的)地点,处所
eg. on the spot,当场,现场
9.wander,vt,to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction,闲逛,漫游,游荡
eg. roam/ take a walk,漫步
10.undisturbed,adj,not interrupted by anyone,未受惊扰的,未被打搅的
eg. disturbed,adj,烦恼的,精神异常的
11.unnaturally,adv, in a way that is not natural or normal,不正常地,反常地;unnatural,adj,不自然地,反常地
eg. nature,noun,自然;natural,adj,自然的;naturally,adv,自然地
12. concerned,adj,worried and feeling concern about sth,担心的,忧虑的;concern,noun,担心,忧虑
eg. be concerned about,担心
2 固定搭配
1.a herd of,一群
2.taken advantage of,利用
3.venture into,to do sth, even though it involves risks,冒险
4. gather up,召集,聚集
5. come back,回来
eg. return,归来
6.the next morning,明天早上
eg. tomorrow morning,明天早上
7. stop ......from ......阻止......
eg. keep/ prevent......from......阻止
3 术语表达
4 语法点津
1. With the streets unnaturally quiet, the goats have been left to wander undisturbed.
主句:主语goats + 谓语have been left一般现在完成时被动语态 + 补语undisturbed(to wander作主语goats的定语)
伴随状语:with + 名词streets + 补语quiet