
作者: realtear | 来源:发表于2017-05-04 23:46 被阅读6次

Tonight,I walk around

in小区里(neighborhood),with myfather,we talked about lots of

Things, including my jobs,choices of young age, choosingand so forth.

I asked a question to him : have youever considered going abroad when you are ayoung man?

He said no, and even never know that way!!

My father说我了(strongly

criticized me),you should承担更多的责任(shoulder more responsibility) ,and more independent,such aswashing clothing ,preparingmeals,cleaning the house by yourself ,the most令我后悔是(what I regretmost is ),I do not let(persuade)you to servein the army as a soldier ,missing the chance to practice your ability, althoughyou ever studied in a high school, which located in our hometown, since wehave no资格(qualification)to take the exam in tianjin, which is our new hometown. your little

sister is better than you in some respects。

Before quitting my job ,I buy a computer from my ex-firm,

which打了8折(hit 20 percent off),便宜了2000块,cheap 2000元

To make little pocket money, then I put the

selling message to闲鱼,I was planning to sell a good

price, but unfortunately ,we meet many stupid people rather than clever customers. Finally ,today a college

student was considering to buy a professional computer to deal with some

professional problems ,including修图edit pictures和做代码write codes.

Butsuddenlysthhit on me, I realized that I was不情愿reluctant to sell

my things by a low price, because my old computer is with me for 6 years ,sometime

it突然停止break off,or just

updating in any occasion(through fair and foul)so that disturbing my real life正常的工作normal routine,bring some troubles for me,I want to change my old

computer ,this is a恰当的appropriatetime, you know, thenew computer ,consisting of many benefits ,like better cpu, better creen ,lowerprice than theold one, if I sell thiscomputer, I also need to buy a new one, but I just go online and findthat there is nothing good news for me now, becausein the market, high quality means high price,especiallywhen I do not have some懂行knowledgeable friend who can give me some little discount, that isnot a good thing.so I just wandering if it was possible to me to serve thiscomputer for my own using, I really want a gorgeous facility to work and study.

I realized that I have no ideatodescribesome kinds of actions ,ok, just try to lookback what you have done today. well, actually,there are so many things I need to do ,everyone or everything aboutites, always tell me that I should to recite them ,recite those knowledge ,words,sentences, and adaptsomestupid construction,whilemake me very烦躁irritable,thatis not a good thing

Anyway , talk back to my father

I asked other question ‘have you ever regretsth that you do not courage to try it ?

Well ,it is my marriage ,you know, finding

a灵魂伴侣soul mate is very important to our life ,but in

fact ,just a few people can do that, I do have some chances to find them when I

was a young boy. there is a secret, please do not talk to your mom .i should

have chance to know a better person ,but you know I just got engaged ,I should

not do sth ,you know that违反了道德.transgress moral

This is an old way comes from country ,thisis not relevantto,a wrong marriage will harm two person ,maybe it is一辈子的事情。Throughout one‘s life。’



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